On 03.12.2017 21:13, Tom Robinson wrote:


> A workaround is to turn on iCloud Drive for Desktop & Documents folders, and 
> store your file there, and you’ll have a standard path :]

Thank you Tom!

I activated iCloud Drive already. From there I am opening the TeX-file.
Probably I did not understand, what you meant with "for Desktop &
Documents" ...

I installed the latex package for BBEdit from github.com
(https://github.com/nathangrigg/Latex.bbpackage), which is unfortunately
not supported any more. But the applescript "Typeset" seems to cope with
the path to a TeX.file on iCloud Drive (mind the line breaks):

-- by Nathan Grigg

on main()
        set typeset_lib_file to path_to_contents() & 
        set typeset_lib to load script POSIX file typeset_lib_file
        tell typeset_lib to typeset without synctex and gitinfo
end main

-- Catch and display custom errors; exit silently on cancelled dialogs
on error eStr number eNum partial result rList from badObj to exptectedType
        if eNum = 5033 then
                display dialog eStr buttons {"OK"} with title "Error" default 
button 1
        else if eNum = 5088 then
        else if eNum is not -128 then
                error eStr number eNum partial result rList from badObj to 
        end if
end try

on path_to_contents()
        --- Returns path to "Contents" folder containing the current script
        local delims, split_string
        set delims to AppleScript's text item delimiters
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "/Contents/"
        set split_string to text items of POSIX path of (path to me)
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delims
        if length of split_string = 1 then error "This script must remain
inside the Latex BBEdit package because it depends on other scripts in
that package." number 5033
        return (item 1 of split_string) & "/Contents/"
end path_to_contents

But the Preview of the script "Open pdf" is not working.

        1. My question to this mailing list again: How to typeset
           TeX-files on iCloud in BBEdit? Open the pdf with Preview

        2. How to typeset in Terminal (Path!) the TeX-file from iCloud?
           What is doing this Apple Script with the path to reproduce it
           with the Terminal?

Finally I will stick with MacVim, if you are not suggesting a working
solution for BBEdit.

Best greetings


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