On 30 Jan 2019, at 14:46, TJ Luoma wrote:

If the former, there's probably a way to re-map ⌘W to save-then-close…
if not, you could surely do so with Keyboard Maestro.

Create an AppleScript and save it as `File•Close.scpt` into the `BBEdit/Menu Scripts` folder.

The following is untested (ripped from another script), but may get you close to what you want:

tell application "BBEdit"
        set mydocment to front document
        if ((state modified of mydocument) is false) then
                save mydocument
        end if
end tell

Check the manual for more info about attaching scripts to Menu Items.



    Charlie Garrison                   <char...@garrison.com.au>
    Garrison Computer Services      <http://www.garrison.com.au>
    PO Box 380
    Tumbarumba NSW 2653  Australia

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