Good evening,

I've got a custom grep/ls script which outputs a list of matching files, which I want to use as contents of a new project. The list is quite long (too long to pass as command args), so using `bbedit --project` won't work. Is there some other way to pipe a list of file paths to `bbedit` so they become items in the project?

What I really want is a way to Multi-File Search all the files. I can do it using `bbfind` but I prefer something within BBEdit UI. So I thought about creating a project with all the files, and I can use that as 'search in' target in search dialog.

The count of files to search is over 10,000.
Using `bbedit --project` prints error `-bash: /usr/local/bin/bbedit: Argument list too long`



    Charlie Garrison                   <>
    Garrison Computer Services      <>
    PO Box 380
    Tumbarumba NSW 2653  Australia

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