I would then include the line above so the string needs "Name"

again with a \1 in the replace before hitting extract.

Will that do what you need?

On Monday, February 24, 2020 at 12:54:43 PM UTC-5, Miguel Perez wrote:
> Thank you, ThePorgie.
> Unfortunately it doesn't work for me.
> I should've said that there are many values using this syntax, like this:
> <field>
>     <key1><![CDATA[NAME]]></key1>
>     <value><![CDATA[John Appleseed]]></value>
> </field>
> <field>
>     <key2><![CDATA[Company]]></key2>
>     <value><![CDATA[Google]]></value>
> </field>
> As you can see, there are two keys, but the very next line says *value* 
> for both of them. That is my main concern.
> I want *value1* for each item on the list, but its defining *key* is in 
> the line above with that CDATA formatting.
> Any ideas?
> El lunes, 24 de febrero de 2020, 11:01:22 (UTC-6), ThePorgie escribió:
>> Put "\1" (no quotes) in the replace field and then Extract with
>> <value><!\[CDATA\[(.+?)\]
>> Will that work for ya?
>> On Monday, February 24, 2020 at 11:44:36 AM UTC-5, Miguel Perez wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm fairly new to RegEx and I need your help.
>>> I process many XML files in my job. Most of them are formatted 
>>> correctly, that is:
>>> <key1>Value</key1>
>>> <key2>Value</key2>
>>> For those I search for values using:
>>> <key1>.*?</key1>
>>> And it works like a charm.
>>> But then I have this one source that formats its XML files with CDATA 
>>> fields like this:
>>> <field>
>>>     <key><![CDATA[NAME]]></key>
>>>     <value><![CDATA[John Appleseed]]></value>
>>> </field>
>>> In this example they are trying to say that the value *NAME* is *John 
>>> Appleseed*. Rather than putting it as a key/value pair, they do that 
>>> weird syntax.
>>> What GREP pattern can I use to extract all the names for this formatting?
>>> I am open to other solutions, like BASH scripts and Applescript. I'm 
>>> desperate.
>>> Thank you for your help, friends.
>>> 🙂

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