On 14 Apr 2021, at 12:22, Jan Erik Moström wrote:

Basic AppleScript question: How do I move the insertion point to the end of the current document?

I tried with something like this

        tell application "BBEdit"
                open file_path
                tell front window
                        select character after endLine
                end tell
        end tell

or "insertion point" but I'm doing it wrong. Could someone enlighten me how to do this?

This should work:

        tell app "BBEdit"
                open file_path
                select insertion point after last character of document 1
        end tell

(It's best to always target documents, rather than windows; though that's not the proximate issue here. "document 1" is always the active document.)


Rich Siegel                                 Bare Bones Software, Inc.
<sie...@barebones.com>                      <https://www.barebones.com/>

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