On 05/07/2021, at 17:10, @lbutlr <krem...@kreme.com <mailto:krem...@kreme.com>> 
> On 07 May 2021, at 05:32, Christopher Stone <listmeister...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:listmeister...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> # Find files, concatenate their contents, send result to BBEdit.
>> find -E . -type f \( ! -name ".*" \) -exec sed -n '1,$p' {} \; | bbedit
> OK, two questions.
>  1) why -E?
>  2) '1,$p'?
> Where/what is $p?

Hey Lewis,

Well, -E isn't really necessary in this use-case.  I have it in my template for 
find, because I often use a regular expression and always want to use the 
Extended regular expression set.

> sed -n '1,$p'

This is just `sed` printing from line 1 through the last line of the given file.

And actually that can be reduced to just p for print:

sed -n 'p'

So this works perfectly well:

find -E . -type f \( ! -name ".*" \) -exec sed -n 'p' {} \; | bbedit

I was going to use `cat` for this task, but `sed` will add an ending line break 
if there isn't one already in the printed file and `cat` won't.





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