On 3/16/22 at 2:06 PM, thepo...@gmail.com (ThePorgie) wrote:

I was tinkering with with Patrick's question

Not actually my question ;-) though close enough for the matters at hand.

So I was looking at this and knew it would have to be several passes, but my pattern I was working with for the first pass was "(?P<foo>\d+\.)1"

My question is since I can't use a replace pattern \1 follow by 33

You can in fact do this by prefixing a zero "0" to the singular backreference number, so:

Replace:    \0133

will give you the first backreference \01 followed by the string "33".

I was using a named pattern, but (?P=foo) doesn't call the named pattern
in the replace area of a grep search? Just curious as I couldn't find
anything regarding this in the manual.

Please see the section titled "Subpatterns Make Replacement Powerful" in Chapter 8 (page 202) of the current manual:

Pattern       Inserts

\P<NAME>      the text matched by the subpattern NAME


 Patrick Woolsey
Bare Bones Software, Inc.             <https://www.barebones.com/>

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