I'm trying to use PLS with BBEdit's LSP support in the latest release of 
BBEdit. Near as I can tell, everything is set up properly for PLS to do its 
magic (and the little green light is on for Perl's language server in the 
list in BBEdit), but I cannot seem to get it to ever flag erroneous code or 
anything of that nature. Is there some way to run a debug mode on PLS to 
see if it is even working? I'm not sure if the problem lies in BBEdit or 
PLS at present and would like to try to narrow down the issue.

I followed the steps outlined on the BBEdit site 
<https://www.barebones.com/support/bbedit/lsp-notes.html#advanced> and the 
GitHub page for the PLS CPAN module 
<https://github.com/FractalBoy/perl-language-server>, including installing 
cpanm and then using cpanm to install PLS. The only issue I ran 
into IO::Async had trouble building (it failed 2 out of 64 build tests) and 
I had to use cpanm --force IO::Async ahead of cpanm PLS in order to install 

I'm running on macOS 12.3.1 on an M1 Max.



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