On Jun 29, 2022, at 10:22 PM, David Brostoff <dav...@earthlink.net> wrote:

> On Jun 29, 2022, at 7:43 PM, David Kelly <dke...@hiwaay.net> wrote:
>> In terminal.app it would be something like this:
>> awk ‘{ print $1 >> “col-1.txt”
>> print $2 >> “col-2.txt” }’ input.txt
> As I mentioned, I am completely ignorant of awk, so sorry for the basic 
> question, but how do I get Terminal to point to the source document?

(Sorry for being late to the party, just back from a road trip).

Another command-line option would be to use cut.  Assuming the fields are 
separated by a space:

        $ cut -d ' ' -f1 source_file.txt > output_file_1.txt
        $ cut -d ' ' -f2 source_file.txt > output_file_1.txt


        -d ‘ ‘                  Tells cut the fields are separated by a space
        -f 1                            Specifieds the field, in this case 
field 1
        source_file.txt         the name of the file containing the data
        output_file_1.txt       the name of the file you want the output placed 

If the fields are separated by TAB, place the cursor between the '' (make sure 
there is no space) and type Ctrl-V, then TAB.


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