NOTE: The main goal here is to diagnose and fix a corrupt XML file.

I've got an XML file that is compressed.  The extension is neither XML nor a 
compression.  It's a .prproj (Adobe Premiere Pro) project file.
.prproj is .xml content using a .prproj extension and compressed, I believe, 
using .gz compression.

If I change the extension from .prproj to .xml and open in BBEdit directly, it 
opens showing standard XML contents, albeit truncated before it ends.
That truncation originally gave the impression the file was corrupted by Adobe 
during a save which didn't complete.
If that's true, so be it -- there's nothing we can do.
BUT the subsequent steps thickened the plot a bit...

If I change the original file's extension to .gz and attempt to gunzip it, the 
attempt fails.
The same happens when attempting to decompress using the Mac OS app 'The 
Unarchiver' -- an error, BUT the app it will allow you to continue, and on a 
second attempt does somewhat successfully decompress the file.  This attempt 
results in a large, truncated XML file, almost the same as the BBEdit version, 
but not quite the same.  Wasn't expecting that different end point.

So a number of questions:
- Out of curiosity, what is BBEdit really doing when it detects the compression 
in the XML file.  Which decompression technique?  Is it using an auto-detect 
technique? Or something along the lines of gunzip?

- If gunzip, why was a Terminal attempt at decompressing the same file (with a 
.gz extension) using gunzip unsuccessful?

- If I make a change to the BBEdit-opened compressed XML file and save it, the 
resulting file size is still compressed, as if BBEdit opened and compressed XML 
and therefore saves it compressed.  There's no indication I'm aware of in 
BBEdit that the XML is compressed, so I'm not 100% sure of that, but if I 
copy/paste/save the contents into a new BBEdit file, save as XML, those same 
contents are 20X the size.  Is BBEdit quietly saving XML as compressed.  If so, 
is it indicated anywhere?

- Why would BBEdit and The decompress semi-successfully but to 
different end points?  Which leads to...

...The main question: What's the possibility the problem is NOT that Adobe 
failed midway through a save, and the problem is really some kind of 
compression hiccup -- that all the data's there, but we have to resolve the 
decompression hiccup and patch up the XML to recover the our original project 

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