Hi BCEL developers!

First of all, thank you very much for this very useful library.
Until lately it was absolutly sufficient and without bug in the
area I needed it.

However, I'm developing a tool named Class Dependency Analyzer
(http://www.programmers-friend.org/CDA/) which uses BCEL to read
.class files and extract the relevant dependency information.
With the latest version (V1.6) of my tool I also support Java 5
classes. My tool particularly needs information about the new
annotation, enum and generic types to compute all dependencies.

Therefore I modified (mainly extend) the code of BCEL 5.1.

Now I want to know if you are interested in getting my changes to
put them into the official BCEL? It would be a first step into the
direction of supporting Java 1.5 class files.
If yes, then I will first adapt my changes to the new BCEL 5.2 before 
sending them to you.
I have a detailed log on what changes I did. So it must be feasable
to integrate my code without too much effort.

What do you think about it?


MDCS - Manfred Duchrow Consulting & Software
SENS-Software Experts Network Stuttgart e.V.


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