On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 10:57 PM, Frank Middleton
<f.middle...@apogeect.com> wrote:
> Before submitting this to bugzilla.redhat.com, I hope you won't
> mind my asking your advice here. I just returned from a round trip
> to Florida, and thanks to your hard work I was able to use WiFi
> everywhere I went, and I can't thank you enough.
> However, upon my return I decided to catch up on all the updates
> and now my FC10 installation is up to date. However, WiFi doesn't
> work any more, or to be exact, dhcp doesn't. I have a d-link router
> that does both wired and wireless, and my laptop can connect either
> way. dhclient eth0 works fine, dhclient wlan0 doesn't. However, I
> can manually assign an IP address to wlan0, edit the routing tables
> and /etc/resolv.conf, and WiFi works just fine.
> The router is configured to use a specific IP address for eth0 and
> a different one for wlan0, using their MAC addresses as a index.
> I asked about this on the Fedora networking forum and only got a reply
> from someone else having a similar problem. So my questions are:
> Is this a problem with dhclient, wpa_supplicant, or b43 (or something
> else)? Can you suggest a way to troubleshoot this? I can see nothing at
> all unusual in any logs and I won't clog up your inbox with dumps unless
> you ask for them. Here's all I ever get from dhclient
> # dhclient -v -d wlan0
> Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client 4.0.0
> Copyright 2004-2007 Internet Systems Consortium.
> All rights reserved.
> For info, please visit http://www.isc.org/sw/dhcp/
> Listening on LPF/wlan0/00:90:96:7b:45:f1
> Sending on   LPF/wlan0/00:90:96:7b:45:f1
> Sending on   Socket/fallback
> DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval 8
> DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval 12
> DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval 15
> DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval 19
> DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval 7
> No DHCPOFFERS received.
> No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.
> etc...
> The current kernel:
> There are several other WiFi devices on this network getting good
> responses from dhcp, so I don't think it is the router, and there are
> no other APs for miles. Any insights would be much appreciated, and
> thanks for your time.
> -- Frank


I had a similar problem not too long ago. From what I understand, the
problem is due to the malformed behavior of dhclient. Rather than
merely reconfiguring the device, dhclient takes the interface down and
then brings it back up again. From my experience this can lead to a
situation where an ip address can not be obtained. A work around for
this problem can be achieved by using dhcpcd rather than dhclient for
obtaining ip addresses from a dchp server. In my case, merely
installing dhcpcd was enough as all my distribution's network scripts
preferred it over dhclient, ymmv.


David Ellingsworth
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  • Fedora Problem Frank Middleton
    • Re: Fedora Problem David Ellingsworth

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