two simple question to two different person, answer if you wish,  
doesn't really matter if you don't :P

to Mr Anishur Rahman
Have you considered the point that most of the grid computing is  
really not feasible when the users are behind the NAT? Which makes me  
wonder, how many of the home users are actually NOT behind any form of  
NAT / Firewall? Please don't tell me you are encouraging users to use  
their work machines (which too, in fact, are most likely behind NAT /  
FireWall) without convincing their IT managers about it.

to Mr Shobhon Rahman
Good to know that at least someone is doing their home work properly  
(reading google and checking other websites before posting questions).  
But you have not mentioned what kind of "cluster" you are looking at  
-- load-balancing, parallel computing, something else? If you googled  
around, it would seem quite normal to mention at least this much  
information, wouldn't it?

Happy Linuxing

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