Title: Re: got a spoon, kids & rocks
nearly missed you post.
It was wondering where the sock and can of beans out off to that dru me in.

You ask

Markess, I took note of your utilization of crystal comment.  I was hoping
you might expound on your method. I've had this feeling for a while that
the use of crystals might help create a more 'harmonius balance' on my
place.  I'm not sure which ones, or where they should go...but this
feeling won't go away.  Do you broadcast with them, or place them on your
property?  Anyone else out there broadcasting or burying crystals? (or
thinking about it?)

I utilize a Radionic device - the SE5 Subtle Field Analyzer primarily.

The  majority of my crystal work goes on utilizing them as reagent placed on the out put antenna.
There they provide mediation of the out going rates and command words.

I do have other crystals working with trees to hold the field of love & Light over the farm,
could do a lot more in this area but.......

Moss agate is a common crystal focused on farming and can hold a lot of information.
Amber can absorb many negative radiations and cleans in the freezer well.

I have a newly acquired home made Selenite wand. It takes most energies back to white light.
This I use to direct whole garden or whole field clenzing and re-conditioning.

Walking into a rock shop and asking "who" would like to work with me brings great stones to the table.

Zirconium is a great man made gem which can be used to hold Radionic programs and create grids of activity by placing them around a garden or room/house.

Gil wrote awhile of go of creating kites that work in similar ways.

I am working at having more crystals carrying prep rates in a field broadcaster, well see.

Dowes it out you'll develop your own approach.


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