At 09:01 AM 7/23/2003 -0700, you wrote:
> >PS Have u checked out ? what is that all about ??
> Sorry, it eludes me. Can someone else help? -Allan

I noticed something similar when Michael Fields let their domain registration lapse. Someone else can then grab the URL registration. There are folks who will grab any working URL, transfer it over to another website, then get paid based on the hits. Of course, folks log in expecting the old website so they get an instant number of hits, hence instant money. Instant money, that's always the problem.

Along those lines, the earlier discussion of matter w/o spirit reminds of a quote by Gandhi

Gandhi's Seven Deadly Sins
· Wealth without Work
· Pleasure without Conscience
· Science without Humanity
· Knowledge without Character
· Politics without Principle
· Commerce without Morality
· Worship without Sacrifice

As to the controversy regarding purges, I support Allan. The list deteriorates if some folks can't keep their discussions polite. That means an occasional action by the authority figure. Sorry we can't all behave as adults, but's that how it is sometimes.

David Robison

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