Hi! Ashoag,
Don't worry to much about the weeds for the time. Get into a full BD cycle and after two or three years, most weeds will be on minor concern and at that stage you can make finer adjustments to the soil. The main thing is to get the soil biota firing, this will happen with the BD Preps. as long as there is food. Plenty of vegetable material, from compost and green manures etc. Weeds are only an indicator of a soil out of balance, correct the soil, not the weed.


  By Trade I am a Chiropractor, by spirit I am a man of the soil. My experiences with BD are of what I have read over the past 2 years and by a one time application of BD 500 this spring (JPI source). Just delving into the BD world

  I have no large estate or bulging pockets of money as one might envision of Chiropractors. I have 2 town lots in a small NE Ohio Village, Mt. Eaton. I live in an Amish community of the largest surrounding population of Old Order Amish (the most conservative). Contrary to popular belief, most of the Amish in this region USE chemical sprays, very few are even organic, yet their spraying is a lot less than a gentleman farmer uses.

  I've read several books on BD and have subscribed to ACRES USA for near 10 years. I'm no farmer but I talk it with my patients from pasture fed meat and rock dust powders to The BD concept. I've visited and called Harvey Lisle a couple of times and can see the possibilities of not only using, but sharing the BD concepts with my friends and neighbors. 

It's time to practice what I preach. I have a bad problem with Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederacea) and also Thistles (Varieties unknown) Dandelion and Chicory all within a turf of Buffalo Grass (variety Cody from Stock Seed Farm in Nebraska). I haven't done a soil test, but suspect a low pH and Ca++ level.

  I do not irrigate but I do have a cistern to use. I do not know anything about Reiki. I dowse a little, but not confidently accurate yet. So tell me what a Pytron is and how to use this to the soils advantage?


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