I don't know that etymology is the right word. It's just that James and I were snookered when it came to making comparisons of measurements made separately by us using pendulums. There is no official common scale (excepting one in England which for some strange reason requires participants to obtain a 100 gram cube of clear quartz and charge (energise) it to a certain rate. The cube would be very costly.) So we worked out a way of doing it a lot simpler than that. We could have called the process 'hedleytronics' but 'pytronics' is shorter and seems to roll off the tongue easier. That's all.

I learned to use the Bovis-scale. It runs from 0 to about 12,000. Healthy humans have a Bovis-value of about 6,500; extremely good water or food can get as high as 7,000-13,000 which then has a beneficial effect on your own life-energy. Some products sold on the internet claim to give water Bovis-values of as much as 3 million, but I can't imagine anything with products like that. If you even look at that, you should fly straight to the highest hierarchies if it's true what they claim. I never meassured anything higher than 13,000.
Visit http://www.britishdowsers.org/EEG_site/articles/auc2001_issue22/Resonance&PeaceAlign_M.htm for a report of someone using the Bovis-scale.

As an example. If using a pendulum I measured my energy first thing in the morning, it would come out in the region of 945 units on my personal scale. James' personal scale rates it at 9.45. (We checked this variation over a range of items and it held true.) The pytronic standard we arrived at divided my scale by 10 and multiplied James' scale by ten, giving us a common measurement of 94.5.

The item we use for the standard is a CD permanently energised to 1,000 pytrons. My personal scale is ten times that, James' that divided by ten.

It does work for other people too.

Another thought: I consider some 'remedies' that I use on my garden as merely 'information' and others as merely 'energy'. If I spray preparations, I mix 'information' (the prep itself) and add a lot of 'energy' (the conscious stirring) to it to bring the message across. An easy way to distinguish between 'information' and 'energy' is to ask yourself the question: "if I use more, will the effect be better?". More of the same 'information' is like having three identical newspapers at your breakfasttable: it doesn't bring you anything more than having one. Adding more 'energy', might (!) have an improved effect: more logs on a fire gives more warmth.

To broadcast the information, you always need energy. I imagine that in Hugh's broadcasters, in the wells you put the information, and the energy to braodcast them is being generated by the coils/circuitry + by the conscious act of you putting this information in there. Orgon-accumulators are merely broadcasting 'energy' rather than information.

Does this make any sense to you? And how would potentized preps fit in this?

Cheers Arjen Huese

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