is there ANY way to prevent purely personal
correspondence from cluttering up this discussion
list?  thanks for any effort to check the addressee
before pressing the "send" button.
I had to unsubscribe from a previous group for this
very reason . . .  no time to read e-mail daily and
keep up with all this - too much to do outdoors!
--- Jose Luiz Moreira Garcia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi Hugh,
> I read the messages in the Digest Form
> thus the delay in answering.
> Yes, I plan to attend Acres USA Conference this
> year.
> Maybe you remember me. I had breakfast with you,
> your wife and Steve Diver at the end of the
> Conference
> and I had the opportunity to taste some of your
> spinach.
> Looking forward seeing you there again. Bring more
> spinach !
> Jose
> >Hi Hugh,
> >
> >I have learned about horn clay in your lecture
> >in last year´s Acres Conference.
> >I have also read your article in  Acres USA
> Journal.
> >I am still trying to get the farm coordenates in
> >terms of latitude and longitude so we can talk
> about
> >installing a Field Broadcaster.
> >I am not sure about the location of the device and
> you
> >told me we would need a map of the farm which I do
> not
> >have. Therefore I thought about getting the
> cordenates
> >and drawing a rogh map from the site.
> >There is so much I have to do in terms in improving
> my
> >farm that I really do not know from which part I
> have to
> >start.
> >
> >Thanks for the input on Horn Clay.
> >
> >Jose
> Dear Jose,
> I guess we've bumped into one another after all. Are
> you expecting to attend
> this year's ACRES conference?
> Best,
> Hugh

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