Title: lights the indication
Blessed Solstice one & All!

With increasing Light
& Love

Kristo writes:

The Winter Solstice arrives at 1:22 PM. SOL (in his Conjunction to Chiron,
and Opposition to the
Dragon's Head) enters Capricorn and brings things to a very quiet halt. This
is an extremely
important psychological moment. Symbolically, it is the essence of Tai Yin
and the reality of
WuWei. Peace, Silence and a comfortable Darkness within which is the seed of
Light. The
Hexagram for this moment of the zeitgeist is 24. Fu, which Wilhelm
translates as Return. This year
it occurs in the context of a sense of healing the Past. The Return is not a
regression to a
fundamentalist attitude...it is a simple accepting of what has been (both
good and bad), in order to
embrace what has actually always and truly been without category..i.e. the
play of Yin and
Yang...the Tao.

For an Image of 24 FU :     http://cantaforda.com/cfcl/ching/ic/40.gif
More on:

                              above Kun, the receiving, the earth

                               down D, the exciting, the thunder

The wendezeit is suggested by the fact that, after the dark lines out-pushed
light all this upward, now again a line
from down occurs lights the indication. The time of the darkness is past.
The sun turn brings the victory of the light.
The indication is assigned the elften month, the month of the sun turn
(December January)

                                     The judgement

                                    The return. Succeed.

                              Exit and entrance without wrongly.

                                 Friends come without faults.

                                 Back and forth the way goes.

                              On the sieved day the return comes.

                            Promoting it is to have where one goes.

To a time of the decay the wendezeit comes. The strong light, which was
driven out before, reentry. There is
movement. This movement is however not forced. The upper indication Kun has
the devotion as a character. It is
thus a natural movement, which results automatically. Therefore the
transformation of the old person is also
completely easy. Old is abolished, new is introduced, both corresponds the
time and brings therefore no damage.
Combinations of Gleichgesinnten form. But this union carries out itself in
full public, it corresponds the time, and
therefore each egoistic special tendency is impossible, and from these
combinations no error results. The return is
justified in the nature run. The movement is circular. The way is
self-contained. Therefore one does not need to rush
into anything artificially. It comes everything of, as it is at the time.
That is the sense of sky and earth.

All movements carry out themselves in six stages. The seventh stage brings
then the return. Thus the winter sun turn
comes in the seventh month to the summer solstice, from which to the year
downward goes, equally the sunrise
comes in the seventh double hour to sunset. Therefore is filters the number
of the recent light, which results from the
fact that the six, which increases number of the large darkness, by one.
Thus movement comes into the stop.

                                       THE PICTURE

                 The thunder in the midst of the earth: the picture of the

                 Thus the old kings closed the passports at the sunning
turning time.

                             Dealers and Fremdlinge did not move,

                            and the ruler did not bereiste the areas.

The winter sun turn was always celebrated in China as the rest period of the
yearly - a custom, which kept in the
New Year rest period still. In the winter the vitality - symbolizes the
thunder by the exciting, - is still underground.
The movement is in its first beginnings. Therefore one must strengthen it by
peace, so that she does not get lost by
premature consumption. This principle, the replacing strength by peace
erstarken to leave, applies from all
appropriate conditions. The recurring health after an illness, the recurring
communication after a dividing: everything
must be treated in the first beginning tenderly and carefully, so that the
return leads to the bloom.

                                    The individual lines

                               At the beginning of nine means:

                                 Return from small distance.
                                  It does not require regret.
                                       Large welfare!

Small deviations from the good one are not to be avoided. One must turn
around only in time, before one too far gone.
That particularly is with the formation of the character of importance. Each
quiet bad thought must be eliminated
immediately, before one goes into it too far and itself solidified. So one
does not have regret necessarily, and everything
goes very well.

                                  Six at second place means:

                                    Calm return. Welfare!

The reversal always requires a resolution and is an act of the self
defeating. It is facilitated, if one is in good society. If
one wins it over itself to down-admit themselves and depend on good humans,
then the welfare brings.

                                  Six at third place means:

                               Repeated return. Danger. No fault

There are humans of certain internal inconsistency. For it continual
reversal of the will direction is necessary. In this
continual turning away from the good one from intemperate inclination and
again turning from better resolution a danger
lies. But since in this way a solidification does not occur in the bad one
nevertheless also, the general direction toward
distribution of the error is not impossible.

                                  Six at fourth place means:

                                 Changing in the center other,
                                     one returns alone.

One is in the middle in a society of small humans, but one has internal
relations with a strong and good friend. Due to of
it one turns around alone. Although from wages and punishment the speech is
not, then it is nevertheless surely
favorable; because such a resolution to the good one carries its wages in

                                   Six at fifth place means:

                                 Generous return. No regret.

If the time is there to the reversal, then one is to hide oneself not behind
kleinliche excuses, but go in itself and examine
oneself. And if one made somewhat wrong, then one is to admit its error in
generous resolution. That is a way, which
will not gereuen anybody.

                                     Means six above:

                             Misdemeanour of the return. Mischief.
                            Misfortune from the outside and inside.
                            If one lets armies march in such a way,
                              one will finally suffer a large defeat,
                           so that it is dire for the national gentleman.
                       Ten years long one is no longer capable of

If one misses the right time to the reversal, then one comes into the
mischief. The misfortune is internally justified by the
wrong position to the world connection. Exterior misfortune is the result of
this wrong position. It is the stagnation and
its court, which are drawn.

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