Not at all to lessen the mood of the passage and wishes for the new year,
but actually only the lines below can be attributed to Goethe. They were
recalled as "one of Goethe's couplets" in a passage on preparations for
an expedition in the book "The Scottish Himalayan Expedition" by W.H.
Murray (1951). A quick search pulls up a full citation at this web site:  I've also found it in a copy of the book.
This popular, oft-misattributed passage is passed around widely. Too bad
the author doesn't get credit.

In fact, the source of the couplet was not cited by Murray in the book,
and I've not found the couplet in any of Goethe's poems as yet. Would
love to learn where the couplet is to be found, if anyone knows.
Barry Lia \ [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ Seattle WA 

> Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius,  
> power and magic in it.
> Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

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