Dear Fellow Travellers:
Woody and I enjoyed ourselves thoroughly mixing and preparing The Three
Kings Prep last evening. The scent was exquisite , we sampled some
internally and of course got some on our clothing. We drank some warm milk
with spices and enjoyed some Christmas chocolates and extended our gratitude
to Hugo Erbe for initiating this inner/outer methodology and practice. We
felt truly blessed and baptized with a new set of forces. And knowing there
were many others doing the same brought a sense of community with heart.
So..thankyou All and thankyou Jane for posting On the Three Magi. Nice to
see how our "time" fits into the bigger picture.
Markess, did you receive any information pertinent to your co-creation?
Thanks for asking all those good questions regarding the Nature Spirits. I
know Woody replied to your post already and I would like to add my
experience in these realms.
In working with the Three Kingdoms I was most able to access Knowledge of
Higher Worlds(by Steiner *****) through the Animal Kingdom specifically the
Cow. While working in the fields and as the cow grazed or chewed her cud
closeby I began to listen and observe. I noticed that when the monkey mind
shut down(all the work that needed doing, todays lunch, etc) there was a
bigger story going on and as I focussed with intent the answers to my
questions came through. Who was the Overlighting Deva of Aurora, the
atmospheric Deva, the Spirit of the Water and Fire? And my purpose here?
There were a lot of How Now Brown Cow questions and although the answers
didn't all come through at once eventually they came. I didn't know how I
knew them to be the Truth, just trusted the process ,came to see that I was
the process and that through this listening ,observing , trusting,getting
down and dirty, and letting go of old ways of doing and being there was an
alchemy taking place. An alchemy of the land and all the Spirits within and
So the co-creative process in place here at Aurora did not arise as a
belief, rather as a believe -nothing -and -entertain -possibilities while
holding to  "positive" outcome for the good of all.

It did help to have children who were very much in touch with these realms
and one, Nathan, began to see auras, talk chicken language and then begin to
"channel" the Nature Spirits. One night , as the dinner was being cooked,
Nathan brought through the name and information from the Overlighting Deva
of Aurora. William, the older son, heard voices and wrote poetry. And so it
went kind of like this, once we opened and got into timeless time the
information came through.
It did help to have Devic names as a starting point. And getting enough of
your self, self, self and any other interlopers out of the way to provide a
clear channel to that pure and everflowing Divine Light of the Beloved.
Many Blessings to all in this mirror image 2002.
Barbara, Woody and Indigo Young Men, William and Nathan
-----Original Message-----
From: Wayne and Sharon McEachern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, January 01, 2002 7:10 AM
Subject: Was 3 Kings -- now Elementals

>Dear Peter, Markess and List, please read on......
>Peter Michael Bacchus wrote:
>> Dear List compatriots and Markess, I believe that what you are asking is
>> gradual process of growth by you. It is a process where you become more
>> concious, where belief becomes knowledge.
>If you can believe, then, you can know.......  and, in order to experience
>informational input from that consciousness, you will only need some basic
>intuitive tools.......
>Most of you know our story......  Here at Light Expression Farm, we do work
>and will work with more farming and gardening protocols -- but the first
>consideration is to work with the guidance which is offered from the
Divine --
>the Devic (or Angelic) realm.  I do not know if I have specifically said
>before or not, but because of experiences which Sharon and I have had in
>first years here at the Farm with Nature, I consecrated my life to sharing
>existence of the Devic Kingdom and to share however I can processes as to
how to
>work with this consciousness.
>If you can dowse, do kinesiology -- or use any such intuitive tool, you are
>to develop a yes / no format for the asking of questions regarding your
>soil, plants, layout, timing, anything.  And, my findings are that this
>information is very best that can be obtained for use in working with
>protocols.  Because it is difficult to educate someone from scratch on how
>work with this consciousness, I will always suggest that one purchase the
>Perelandra Garden Workbooks and READ them.  Through this developed protocol
>Machaelle Wright, you can develop your own way of working with Nature and
>will realize the benefits for yourself.  After one has read the books,
>questions on specifics is easier from our perspective.
>We are now just before working out of mostly gardening and into more
>We will be experimenting with several farming protocols -- with  working
>the Devic Kingdom as being the guiding intelligence for which protocol and
>much of each and what part of each protocol is most appropriate in this
>For this moment, if anyone has any general questions on working with the
>realm in farming and gardening processes, I will do my best to assist.
>BTW, this consciousness is "all good" -- not evil.  This is an angelic
>Fear -- of evil -- is a man thing.  What do our good books ask of us?  Fear
>not.......  So, go forth with the understanding that you are working with a
>consciousness that is always there -- supportive -- and loving.
>May your next year be full of magic and wonder............
>Peace be with you.......
>Wayne and Sharon
>Sharon and Wayne McEachern
>"A Divine Program for Healing and Transformation"
>Expressing the Light
>"A Ministry Dedicated to the Divine Process"

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