Greetings Geneva:
You say"human knowledge is so limited anything is a possibility" then go on
to the 'uh uh's', and weird beliefs of some on this list, Art Bell, etc. So
isn.t anything a possibility?
Good for you for blowing your mind - an empty mind can often create the
blank slate needed for the possibilities to show up.
Let me quote a friend who was an artist and visionary of the weird(other
dimensions sometimes available through mind blowing).
"Life is not only stranger than we suppose, it is stranger than we can
suppose." Terence McKenna
Barbara and Woody
-----Original Message-----
From: pepper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, January 03, 2002 1:13 AM
Subject: Re: BD system

>Thanks for the overview Dave!
>I haven't the time to peruse Steiner or a new sub right now.  I skimmed
>your site.  Burying a horn - or spraying very dilute (energy??) preps -
>homeopathy for the land ?????????  I don't know!  People believe some
>very strange things!  I've listened to Bell (with tongue in cheek) and
>realize how seriously some take their odd views!  I enjoy speculation
>but never take wishful thinking seriously - I need evidence and facts..
>However our human knowledge is so limited that anything is a
>Philosophically I *suspect* that this planet is a living entity of which
>we are but a small part (as are the soil microorganisms) - and I like to
>view each living being as an entire universe of living cells, each with
>it's own life force and agenda!  But belief, knowing?? - uh uh!  One
>perspective among millions of possibilities!  We are like ants, trying
>to understand the vast grain fields they find themselves in - let alone
>the world!  Some of the posts I've seen here blow my mind - with their
>convictions of deities (even to their names!) elementals, fields, forces
>and rituals!  How can you actually believe such things?  Just curious!
>Best I remain silent for awhile - till I get a better handle on this
>boards perspectives! <grin>
>Dave Robison wrote:
>> Yeah, me too. Recognize that BD is one aspect (the agricultural part)
>> of a very complete conceptual model developed by Steiner. Other
>> aspects relate to Waldorf education, Eurythmy dance/music therapy,
>> medical treatments, etc.
>> You can take the system as an alternative conceptual model -- a way to
>> explain our observations about the natural world. In that sense, it is
>> neither to be proved or disproved -- the question is whether it is
>> useful. Does it explain things? Is conceptual system consistent? Does
>> it lead to new understandings of how plants behave? Does it lead to
>> remedies when you observe something off? And BD does all that, once
>> you learn the system. In that system elementals or nature spirits can
>> be thought of a poetic means for us to imagine how life is
>> manifesting.
>>        But elementals,
>>      prayers to the deities, moon phases?????  Tho I try to be
>>      open minded,
>>      my base line is skepticism!
>> The next part of is more difficult to believe and that is that any of
>> this stuff actually works. For that, there is a body of documented
>> experiments.
>> I tried to cover this stuff in a rational way on the BD Intro at
>> ==========================
>> Dave Robison
>Visit the Best Mall on the net!

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