>Allan Balliett wrote:
>>  *Compost teas.  Where does she see this technology going?  What is
>>  the frontier of compost tea? (from Steve Diver)
>I see compost tea replacing toxic chemical pesticides for the most
>part.  BD preps work the same way, I think.  Why?  They have the
>organisms in them that inhibit, compete with and consume the
>disease-causing organisms.  I think we could do alot to making certain
>that  the BD preps "work" every time if we understood the organisms in
>the preps better.  Just as we have done for compost tea.
>The frontier of compost tea is multiple.  We have to assess tea
>quality issues.  How do you know every time you make a tea that it
>will have the right set of organisms.  We have compost issues - most
>"compost" sold in the US is not compost.  Most of it is putrifying
>organic matter.  True compost is AEROBIC, most of the stuff sold is
>lacking adequate oxygen.  Where did the oxygen go?  The organisms use
>it as they grow and they can grow so fast that they use it up faster
>than oxygen can diffuse into the pile.  And then you make alcohol -
>which is what causes most phytotoxicity.  Roots are killed by less
>than 1ppm alcohol, and anaerobic conditions produce more than 15 ppm
>within just a few minutes.  Dead roots, disease attacks those roots,
>stressed, sick plants.
>Education of the public is necessary.  If it stinks, don't use it.  If
>your nose tells you it is bad, it is bad.  Refuse to buy it. We need
>to educate people about what tea is - it is not anaerobic.  It has to
>have the organisms in it.  Beneficial organisms.  Those organisms have
>to make it to the leaf or root surface, alive and doing their
>functions.  We have to stop killing them with chemicals.
>So, compost tea or compost can replace the sets of organisms that we
>have killed by using pesticides and high levels of inorganic
>fertilizers.  By getting the right life back on plant surfaces, we can
>reduce, and usually out-right do away with, pesticides.
>There are also human health related issues here.  Body-odor is
>typically the presence of a set of bacteria on your body surface
>growing on the exudates your body produces.  Body-odor comes from the
>metabolites those bacteria produce.  Change the community composition
>of your bacteria, and quite often the problem with body-odor goes
>away.  The foods you eat influence body-odor, and acne, by altering
>the exudates your body puts out.  And you change the set of bacteria
>growing on your surface.
>But how do you change the community of bacteria on your skin?  Take a
>bath in compost tea?  Well, it's a thought.  Needs to be tested,
>I envision a future where pesticides are not used, except in rare
>instances.  That's the future of compost tea, of compost.  We have to
>shift the paradigm people have from "nuke it if you don't want it
>there", to "select for the beneficial life that should be present".
>Major mind shift for the American public!
>And I hope that we can all work on doing this shifting together......
>Elaine Ingham

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