Sungazing is a way of eliminating "yesterdays light". Palm the eyes using 
light pressure for 15 seconds. Note if the vision is totally black or if it 
has white or variations of colors. It should be totally black. Any colors or 
whiteness signifies the cells retention of yesterdays light. You may press 
on the eyes with your fingers 30 seconds with pressure each day. You may 
also massage the back of the head below the middle of occiput on each side 
of the neck. Hold your thumb on points around the area and rotate head 
against the thumb. Also massage above top of clavicle next to thyroid. Do 
this massage 5-15 minutes a day. SUNGAZING: Must be done when the sun is low 
in the sky, so the head is not tilted back, restricting blood flow. You 
never want to look directly at the sun. Tighten the buttocks, tongue up on 
the palate, and send the breath to the eyes. There are three positions to 
predetermine before starting the exercise.

Position #1: Stand erect facing the sun. Extend arm out directly in front of 
you, palm down, fingers extended. Now, still holding this position, make a 
180 degree arc in front of you. Everything you see off the tips of your 
fingers is position #1. (Usually at the horizon).

Position #2: Place your thumb on the position of the sun, then extend your 
forefinger. Where you are pointing above the forefinger is position is 
position #2. Now make a 180 degree arc with this point and everything you 
see off the tip of your finger is position #2.

Position #3: Everything in a 180 degree arc 2 inches below the sun is 
position #3. This is approximately the same distance below the sun as you 
were above the sun in position #2.

Beginning with the left side, gaze in a 180 degree arc position #1 slowly 
with a count of about 4 or 5 seconds, from left to right and back again to 
the left. This counts as 1 time. Do not blink, and keep the eyes wide open 
so as to allow as much light bathing the eye as possible. This new light 
replaces "yesterdays light". Repeat 5 times.

Starting left to right, sungaze at position #2 for 5 times.

Starting left to right, sungaze at position #3 for 5 times.

Now, repeat each position starting from right to left. Alternate sides until 
you have completed 10 to 15 minutes of this exercize. Palm your eyes again 
and see if there is black.

This exercise is to be done in a 5 day period twice daily only. Exceeding 
this may cause pychological dependency. Break for 2 weeks, then repeat the 5 
day series. After you do the exercizes, try doing without your glasses for a 
couple days, or wear them less often. Many people have excellent results in 
the first 5 days. You may continue all other eye exercises and eye washes. 
This routine may be kept up as a maintenaince of perfect vision. The 
exercize help tired overstrained eyes, even if you have only a few moments 
to spare.

NOTES: The eye needs to be able to respond to light in the moment. If 
receptors are not cleaned of old light then a multifaceted continuous light 
diffuses the light in the moment. It takes 24 hours for old light to 
diffuse. Relaxation is important to perfect vision. You must allow your mind 
to become receptive to the idea of perfect vision, in order for the eyes to 
receive new light. The eye must regain confidence before it will heal. 
Giving attention to the eyes will give them confidence. Talk to your cells 
and see a perfect pattern. Tell your eyes they are doing a great job, that 
they are perfect and you appreciate them. Take a new mental set that will 
get rid of old programming.

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