>>Continued from part I:
>>Today's commentary:
>>ZNet Commentary
>>Terrorism As Cannibalism January 23, 2002
>>By Vandana Shiva
>>These multiple processes are breeding new insecurities, new anxieties, new
>>stresses. Cultural security, economic security, ecological security,
>>political security are all being rapidly eroded.
>>Could the violence being unleashed by humans against humans be similar to
>>the violence pigs, chicken and cattle express when denied their freedom to
>>roll in the mud, peck for worms, and roam outside the confines of animal
>>Could the coercive imposition of a consumer culture worldwide, with its
>>concomitant destruction of values, cultural diversity, livelihoods, and the
>>environment be the invisible cages against which people are rebelling, some
>>violently, most non-violently.
>>Could the "war against terrorism" be equivalent to the detoothing,
>>debeaking, dehorning of pigs chickens and cattle by agribusiness industry
>>because they are turning violent when kept under violent conditions? Could
>>the lasting solution to violence induced by the violence of captivity and
>>enslavement for humans be the same as that for other animals -- giving them
>>back their space for spiritual freedom, ecological freedom, for
>>psychological freedom and for economic freedom.
>>The cages that humans are feeling tapped in are the new enclosures which are
>>robbing communities of their cultural spaces and identities, and their
>>ecological and economic spaces for survival. Globalisation is the overaching
>>name for this enclosure.
>>Greed and appropriation of other people's share of the plane's precious
>>resources are at the root of conflicts, and the root of terrorism. When
>>President Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair announced that the goal of the
>>global war on terrorism is for the defense of he American and European "way
>>of life", they are declaring a war against the planet-its oil, its water,
>>its biodiversity.
>>A way of life for the 20 percent of the earth's people who use 80 percent of
>>the planet's resources will dispossess 80 percent of its people of their jus
>>share of resources and eventually destroy the planet. We cannot survive as a
>>species if greed is privileged and protected and he economics of the greedy
>>set the rules for how we live and die.
>>If the past enclosures have already precipitated so much violence, what will
>>be the human costs of new enclosures being carved out for privatisation of
>>living resources and water resources, the very basis of our species
>>survival. Intellectual property laws and water privatisation are new
>>invisible cages trapping humanity.
>>IPR laws are denying farmers the basic freedom of saving and exchanging
>>seed. They are, in effect, enclosing the genetic commons, creating new
>>scarcities in a biologically rich world, transforming fundamental freedoms
>>into criminal acts punishable with fines and jail sentences.
>>Water privatisation policies are enclosing the water commons, transforming
>>water into a commodity to be bought and sold for profit, creating water
>>scarcity in a water abundant world.
>>Percy Schmeiser, a Canadian farmer had been using his own seeds for the past
>>fifty years. His Canola seed was genetically polluted with Monsanto's GM
>>Canola through wind and pollination. Instead of Percy being paid
>>compensation in accordance with the polluter pay principle, the courts fined
>>Percy on the basis of Monsanto's IPR case which argued that since the genes
>>were Monsanto's property their being found in Percy's field made him a thief
>>irrespective of how they came to be there.
>>The violator becomes the violated, the violated becomes the violator in the
>>perverse world of patents on genes, seeds and living material. Such perverse
>>laws are transforming agriculture into police states and farmers into
>>criminals. They are the invisible cages which are holding humans captive to
>>market processes and corporate rule.
>>The Privatisation of water is another threat to human freedom.
>>Perhaps the most famous tale of corporate greed over water is the story of
>>Cochabamba, Bolivia. In this semi-desert region, water is scarce and
>>precious. In 1999, the World bank recommended privatization of Cochabamba's
>>municipal water supply company (SEMAPA) through a concession to
>>International Water, a subsidiary of Bechtel. On October 1999, the Drinking
>>Water and Sanitation Law was passed, ending government subsidies and
>>allowing privatization.
>>In a city where the minimum wage is less than $100 a month, water bills
>>reached $20 a month, nearly the cost of feeding a family of five for two
>>weeks. In January 2000, a citizens' alliance called La Coodination de efensa
>>del Agua y de la Vida (The Coalition in Defence of Water and Life) 
>>was formed.
>>The alliance shut down the city for four days through mass mobilization.
>>Within a month, millions of Bolivians marched to Cochabamba, held a general
>>strike, and stopped all transportation. At the gathering, the protesters
>>issued the Cochabamba Declaration, calling for the protection of universal
>>water rights.
>>The government promised to reverse the price hike but never did. In February
>>2000, La Coordinadora organized a peaceful march demanding the repeal of the
>>Drinking Water and Sanitation Law, the annulment of ordinances allowing
>>privatization, the termination of the water contract, and the participation
>>of citizens in drafting a water resource law.
>>The citizen's demands, which drove a stake through the heart of corporate
>>interests, were violently rejected. Coordinadora's fundamental critique was
>>directed at the negation of water as a community property. Protesters used
>>slogans like `Water is God's Gift and Not A Merchandise' and `Water is Life'.
>>In April 2000, the government tried to silence the water protests through
>>market law. Activists were arrested, protesters killed, and the media
>>censored. Finally on April 10, 2000, the people won. Aguas del Tunari and
>>Bechtel left Bolivia and the government was forced to revoke its hated water
>>privatization legislation.
>>The water company Servicio Municipal del Agua Potable Alcantarillado
>>(SEMAPA) and its debts were handed over to the workers and the people. In
>>the summer of 2000, La Coordinadora organized public hearings to establish
>>democratic planning and management. The people have taken on the challenge
>>to establish a water democracy, but the water dictators are trying their
>>best to subvert the process. Bechtel is suing Bolivia, and the Bolivian
>>government is harassing and threatening activists of La Coordinadora.
>>By reclaiming water from corporations and the market, the citizens of
>>Bolivia have illustrated that privatization is not inevitable and that
>>corporate takeover o vital resources can be prevented by people's democratic
>>The resource hunger of a corporate driven consumer culture is attempting to
>>enslave own and control every plant, every seed, every drop of water.
>>The suicides of farmers are one aspect of violence engendered by a violent
>>world order based on markets, profits, consumerism. Suicide bombers are
>>another aspect. One is directed towards the `self'. The other is directed
>>towards the `other'. And in a fragmenting and disintegrating world, where
>>everyone feels caged, everyone has potential to become the dangerous
>>'other'. Like animals in factory cages, we are attacking ourselves or each
>>Animals have the animal liberation movement to speak for them and set them
>>free when the industry which has held them captive under violent conditions
>>perpetrates further violence to deal with the cannibalism that captivity is
>>What is needed is an animal liberation movement for humans -- a movement
>>sensitive to the captivity of consumer culture and global markets, a
>>movement compassionate enough to sense the deep violations humanity is
>>experiencing, a movement that recognises that it is not the teeth of pigs,
>>beaks of birds, horns of cows that need to be removed, but the cages.
>>The multicoloured, diversity based movement against the structural violence
>>of global markets and the consumer culture has elements that could grow to
>>liberate the human spirit from the degradations and deprivations of
>>corporate globalisation. Reclaiming our freedoms and spaces from the new
>>enclosures is as essential to us as it is to other animals.
>>Animals were not designed to live imprisoned in cages. Humans were not
>>designed to live imprisoned in markets, or live wasted and disposable if
>>they cannot be consumers in the global market.
>>Our deepening dehumanisation is at the roots of growing violence. Reclaiming
>>our humanity in inclusive, compassionate way is the first step to peace.
>>Peace will not be created through weapons and wars, bombs and barbarism.
>>Violence will not be contained by spreading it. Violence has become a luxury
>>the human species cannot afford if we are to survive. Non-violence has
>>become a survival imperative.
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