I'm familiar with some of these groups.  The Leopold Center is currently headed by (BD farmer) Fred Kirschenmann.  They do good work.  Practical Farmers of Iowa is an accurate term for their organization.  The Food Alliance is an "eco-label" that isn't necessarily organic, but has some requirements that organics don't address (such as how employees are treated).  The Midwest Food Alliance is just like The Food Alliance.  Niman Ranch is a lot about animal welfare (no tail trimming or slats, I believe, plus natural requirements).

Wallace Foundation (Lewis, Iowa)
Practical Farmers of Iowa
Leopold Center
The Food Alliance (Portland, Oregon)
The Midwest Food Alliance (Minnesota)
Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship
North Central Institute for Sustainable Systems
Niman Ranch
Iowa Department of Health Promotion
Iowa Department of Economic Development

Now I haven't done any extensive research about these folks, but it's a good place to start in uncovering real motives.  I bet this is a ploy to smell organic to consumers without being organic.


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