
<It is the selection process that sets up Americans to
sometimes elect the "worst" rather than "better".  As
Tony N-S said, not only do Americans suffer for it,
but, also the rest of the world. Michael>

I've heard this before and find it totally untrue, not
due to the perception of the person making the
comment, but due to their familiarity with how the
presidential elections are determined.  The sad, sad
thing is that nearly the entire American public is
unaware of how it works!

Actually, it's a left over from the post-Colonial era.
Individual voters - if they vote a straight ticket,
are actually electing a member of an electorial
college.  Then the electorial college votes for their
candidate.  In many cases too, electorial colleges
jump ship and cast a vote for the candidate of the
other party.  This is more or less the situation of
the norm.  In only rare cases does the popular vote
count.. usually when needed as a tie-breaker in the
case of an electorial log-jam.(Perhaps one in
history).  Did you actually believe all the flap
concerning elections that the press represents?


>  Y'know, there are times when the rest of the world
feels that US Americans
>  (present company excepted, natch) _deserve_ the bum
Presidents which they
>  elect...  Pity that we have to suffer from their
activities, too, though !
>  Tony N-S.

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