That w.b. DOR, which refers to dead orgone or dead life energy that 
is stagnating the flow of the atmosphere over your area.

Did you make the device yourselves? What is the device you are using. 
Are you consulting with Jame DeMeo on the use of this device.

Suddenly, it seems that everywhere I turn I'm running into farmers 
who are using orgone 'shooters' to clear vapor trails, et all from 
their atmosphere.

I'd like to hear about more people who are doing things like this.


>The dynamics of drought are very interesting.
>The Dor Buster was very dangerous to use as it resulted in the Dor being
>channelled back to the device. With what we are doing and Hugh Lovel,
>who gave me the idea, does,  is clearing the Dor, or what ever it is
>that is stopping precipitation and allowing the normal process to take
>place. I would expect that the remainder of the season will be normal to
>more than normal and that the following year would also be normal. Of
>course I am working on only limited data as yet.
>If it gets to be too much, just put the Horsetail in, but remove it as
>soon as it stops, not even an hour later, or you will cause drought.

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