Hi Allan,

The meeting in Copake was organized by the US Agricultural Section of the
School of Spiritual Science. The meeting is for any one making preparations,
and from what I could gather from the Biodynamics Journal, " While the ideal
would be that all biodynamic practitioners make their own high quality
preparations on site at each complete farm individuality, the present
reality is far from that ideal....recognized the need for an effort that
could stimulate movement toward the ideal, and agreed to host an open
session on the issue, and drew up the circulated agenda. " " A working group
arising from the session in Copake is sought ", " The sesion's agenda is
still in development as this goes to press". I really don't want to retype
the 300 word article from the BD journal!

So, perhaps regionalization, supply of animal sheaths, how to foster and
better communication and relationships between regional efforts and the
established organizations might comprise some of the agenda.

Harold Hoven was listed as the contact person, but I don't have his phone or
email, I am sure the BDA would have his contact info.

Hope that helps! Christy

PS, I will be attending, and I will look forward to posting any intersting
happenings from the meeting.
----- Original Message -----
From: Allan Balliett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Bruce Bumbarger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 12:56 PM
Subject: Future of the Preps Conference

> Bruce (or anyone) -
> Perhaps you're the person to shed a little light on this 'Future of
> the Preps' conference that is coming up this month in Spring Valley.
> What are the goals of this conference?
> How can we find out more about it?
> Who is invited?
> Who can attend?
> Who organized it?
> Thanks!
> -Allan

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