Question to Elaine Ingham :

I live in Brazil and I manufacture Compost Tea machines.
I might have sold so far like 30 of those machines.
Most of the customers are happy by the results they have
in terms of practical results for disease control mostly.
They also speak very favourable about the nutritional quality
of the compost tea. I only use worm compost .
However, some "techies" do need more than practical results.
Having looked to papers all their lifes they believe more in a wrong
figure in a piece of paper than a wonderfull result in the field.
So, my question is : How can I send you a sample of the Compost
Tea to be analysed in your lab knowing that I live in a foreign country
thousand of miles away ?
Second: In case the logistics of the sampling operation wouldn´t work
out , what sort of analysis should I ask for a Soil Microbiology lab here
in Brazil ?

Thank You in advance

Jose Luiz

> I just got back from PASA and found an email from Elaine offering to
> take more BD Now! questions about compost tea and soil foodweb
> matters, so, send them up here, folks!!
> Also spent a few hours with Will Brinton (and a hundred or so other
> people) today. Very impressive! Pause for thought, that's for sure.
> Anyway, let's not let Elaine's offer go unexploited!
> -Allan

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