dear Greg,
i guess I am just too stoopid to make the connection between BD remedies and
reclaiming the hairline - i thought I had maybe got a crossed message/advert
from a hairdressing list !!
whilst I have no problem with anyone getting suitably renumerated for the
work they do, the hairspray advert simply struck me as somewhat bizarre and
funny, and coming from you I just couldn't resist !
PS I can spare you a dread or two, if you are really desperate ?

----- Original Message -----
From: "bdnow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2002 12:30 AM
Subject: Fwd: Re: Agri-Synthesis sprays (CAUTION: Contains Critical

> >Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2002 13:34:34 -0800
> >From: Greg Willis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >X-Accept-Language: en
> >To: Allan Balliett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: Agri-Synthesis sprays
> >
> >
> >
> >Dear Allan,
> >
> >In response to the following:
> >
> >Re:  Forwarded, Jane, from Greg without judgment. Hopefully, Greg will
> >explain more to us about his new insights and marketing approaches.
> >
> >I guess I could get excited about 1000's of middle-aged men walking
> >around with potentized preps on their heads in this country!
> >
> >-Allan
> >
> >Steiner said to get his remedies out to the world and that will save
> >agriculture.  I am doing just that.
> >
> >I have for years found it incomprehensible this narrow point of view
> >that anyone who practices Steiner's methods should pass on the benefits
> >to others without any compensation.  In the past 9 years, I've spent
> >over $600,000 developing Steiner's ideas.  Now Gidion questions why I
> >should be compensated for my time, effort and money.  That's not even
> >worth a response except to say this.  Only an idiot or a moron would
> >believe even for one second that people don't do EVERYTHING for some
> >reward.   Even saints do good acts in the expectation that this will get
> >them a return ticket to Heaven.
> >
> >As I have said repeatedly for years, unless and until the people who
> >practice what they call "biodynamic" agriculture and gardening get out
> >from under their narrow little focus and see the broader picture and
> >potential of Steiner's ideas, incorporate them with their own ideas and
> >the ideas of others of like mind, "biodynamic" ag. will continue to
> >wallow in the backwaters of the world and we'll continue to endure
> >stupid carping about how "It sure shows where certain people's
> >priorities lie."  Personally, I don't like not having enough money to do
> >anything I want to do.  I'd like to know who "certain people" are.
> >Anyway, this is nothing worth talking about right now.
> >
> >We have field sprays, food and wine sprays and hair sprays and they all
> >work.  We're investigating any number of medical applications for our
> >sprays.  My girlfriend takes a bath in the remedies and it calms her
> >down and softens her skin.  She loves it.  The other night, she went to
> >her chapel and was able to meditate and pray for 4 straight hours.  I'd
> >say she's on to something.  We've also been able to cure, in part or in
> >whole, every plant disease we've encountered.
> >
> >The other day, one of my friends banged his hand badly.  Had a big
> >hematoma on his hand.  Sprayed it with our hair sprays and within 2
> >minutes the pain was gone,  Within 30 minutes, the stiffness was gone.
> >The only thing he could say was "This shouldn't be happening."  I told
> >Hugh about this and he just laughed.  I have some keratosis on the back
> >of my hands.  I've been spraying my left hand  for 2 weeks.  The
> >keratosis is almost gone.  My right hand looks the same.  I sprayed it
> >on my face and in 24 hours, my facial skin was smoother and softer,
> >especially around my eyes, and no dark lines under my eyes (I haven't
> >been getting much sleep lately).  My girlfriend says I look 3 or 4 years
> >younger.
> >
> >My suggestion to everyone is try our hair spray and get some great
> >stories of your own.
> >
> >Contrast this with those who sit in their apartments all day in front of
> >a computer criticizing everything but not accomplishing much.  Compare
> >this with the many new remedies and uses of Steiner's remedies that have
> >come out of the BDA, JPI and Demeter in the past 60 years (which, for
> >those of you who are new to bdnow, is NOTHING.  AP, with his limited
> >knowledge of Steiner has accomplished more than they have.  Just shows
> >you don't have to be smart to be successful with RS, just innovative,
> >strong and intuitive.
> >
> >Look folks, if you know how to make them work, Steiner's remedies will
> >work.  If you don't know how to make them work, buy ours.  They work.
> >
> >There's a radio personality out here in SFO-Land who reports the oddball
> >news.  He ends his broadcasts with this message which everyone should
> >take to heart.  CAUTION: It offends those with weak minds.  It makes
> >those of us who have strong minds laugh.  He ends his broadcast saying,
> >"That's the news.  If you don't like the news, go out and make some of
> >your own."
> >
> >So Gidion, if you don't like my news, go out and make some of your own.
> >Or buy our hair spray and get some really good vibes focused directly on
> >your brain and Crown Chakra.  It will clear up your thinking in only 2
> >weeks.  You just can't beat a deal like that.
> >
> >Cheers,
> >
> >Greg Willis
> >President
> >Agri-Synthesis®, Inc.
> >Napa, CA 94581
> >707.258.9300

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