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Year of the Water Horse
Horse years are notorious historical turning points. Turbulent, untamed, and
chaotic. Every 12 years the Horse comes around asking it’s pinching question
"Are you awake?"The Yang force is at it’s peak during Horse years, requiring
action and movement. Of the 5 elements, the Horse is accompanied by Fire.
This can bring to a boil the Water element of 2002, which can flare-up when
least expected. Rigor and severity are also chronicled with unusual excesses
befalling governing forces. The oratory Horse leads crowds with convincing
speeches and egotistic agendas (WW1 (1918) WW2 (1942) The Great Depression
(1930) Chinese Cultural Revolution (1966*) Great San Francisco Earthquake
(1906*).The Horse governs a year where money flows too freely through the
fingers, and where savings accounts dwindle. Travel, voyages and changes
occur in Horse years, and most of us will prefer to be anywhere except home!
This year may be polarized by a manic-depressive air of enthusiasm, followed
by self-doubt. Always a competitive and avid sportsman, the Horse can bring
sprains (especially knees and ankles) or lower body injuries, keeping
orthopedists busy in 2002.Not since 1998’s Tiger year have we seen this level
of activity! Horse years demand independence and freedom - despite the costs.
A "Decisive" year when many will strike out on their own. The Horse isn’t
known for staying close to home-base, preferring to be in the midst of social
activities, debates and company. Impatient and talkative, Horses play offense
in life, and 2002 will be an enterprising year when entrepreneurial efforts
and small businesses can flourish.Most signs will move both confidently and
quickly in all endeavors. Romantic infatuation is the name of the game
romantically this year, as the Horse falls very easily in and out of love. A
marvelous year for the Goat, the Dog, and the Tiger, and for all who need
more of the "Fire" element in their charts (the FIRE element being designated
to the Horse.) Mid July through mid August is the culminating point in the
year for Horse natives themselves, however the wet winter months of 2002 can
be brought to a steamy boil by the Yang Fire of the year.A narcissistic and
self-centered year where even the most self-effacing personalities think of
themselves first. Creative lending, money matters and intense competition,
(especially in sports) takes the spotlight. Lively debates pepper Horse years
as the steed is the supreme "orator" and speech-maker of the zodiac. Many
could decide to change professions and especially established partners.
CAUTION: The "other side" pastures of a Horse year, always seem greener than
they really are!Ceaseless motion, decisiveness and control flavor this active
year. A spirited, fiery, heedless, time to move forward and to advance
causes. Even the most avid procrastinators (Snake, Pig, Rabbit) will boldly
move ahead with plans. The pulse of 2002 is fast and wildly variable.
Non-conformists rule now. Love of social contact can be expected also even
for the most reticent personalities. With all of this activity, insomnia
could be the chief complaint to health care providers this year. Political
muscle flexing, resignations, and fits if geological temper occur more often
during Horse years.My advice, is to think and reflect, "look before you leap"
in 2002. Seek a healthy balance between deliberation and action, and avoid
excessive physical or emotional escapades.
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