>Hi Tobias -
>Yes, "weeds" deliver messages about soil conditions.  I have never noticed or
>correlated information about insects such as you suggest.  Surely there must
>be some information we should be paying attention to there, but there are many
>more environmental conditions that influence insects than influence root rots
>or root-feeding nematodes.  And I am a microbiologist, not an entomologist.  I
>don't know insect life cycles the way I know fungal, bacterial, protozoan or
>nematode life-cycles.  We'd need to bring in another expert to begin to
>correlate this information.
>Now that you bring it up, I will keep this idea in the back of my mind, and
>see if I can pull something together.  I will probably bring this up with Andy
>Moldenke, and see if he can comment.
>Sorry I couldn't be more help.
>Allan Balliett wrote:
>>  >
>>  >      Dear Elaine,
>>  >      plants and in particular "weeds" can give us a fair idea about the
>>  >      condition of our soil.Does the same apply to insect damage?
>>  >      Some insects are pod piercing/sucking like GVB others pod and leaf
>>  >      chewing like Heliothis others are stem boring and so on.Do the
>>  >      different operating insects indicate or point to certain conditions
>>  >      inthe soil and or plant?
>>  >
>>  >      Thank you
>>  >
>>  >      Tobias Koenig

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