>On 17 Feb 02, Hugh Lovel wrote:
>> Laura Sabourin is looking for a ladybug reagent, as the Japanese
>> ladybugs have taken over in southern Ontario. We seem to have a lot of
>> them here too, if these are the ones who sometimes bite. Can anyone
>> send me specimens for peppering? Does anyone have any other specimens
>> of problem bugs? Or weeds? I'm working on getting up a data-base for
>> Malcolm Rae Cards so that anyone anywhere in the world need only get
>> the card to get the remedy for that conundrum.
>Will these and your other cards be available via the Internet, Hugh?
>Last time I checked the Malcolm Rae organisation in England weren't
>setup for Internet/credit-card distribution. 8<[
>Cheerio... Rex

Maybe they will be. I don't know.


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