The Copake Meeting was for Agric. Section Members, not even just members of
the Anthr. Soc. or BD Soc.  Invite was by leter, Michael

----- Original Message -----
From: Allan Balliett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 11:03 AM
Subject: Re: future of the bd remedies

> Steve -
> This might sound like a flame, but it isn't meant to be...
> Finger pointing at 'us'? How nice to have a 'made' man on the list!
> Why was there never a formal invitation to this "important" meeting
> posted to BD Now!? It's so very easy to reach all of we 'dissidents'
> that way Otherwise, If this wasn't intended to be an 'insiders'
> event, it sure looked like an insiders event. Why not invite everyone
> if everyone was invited?
> Why didn't you yourself invite listmembers of  BD Now! to this event
> in a manner in which they felt welcomed before the event rather than
> after?
> How cum a BDA board member put my name in for a 'formal invitation'
> to this meeting but I never received this 'formal invitation'? You
> know, I don't only moderate this list, I spend hours a week
> consulting with new growers about BD,  I farm, I host interns, and,
> goddam if I don't fund and host one of the largest biodynamic
> conferences in this country, how come I find out about it, literally,
> when someone wants me to donate money to support an activity there?
> What is it? I didn't make enough effort to find out  about this
> event? You're probably right: I keep working and working, but I ain't
> clairvoyant yet.  This reminds me very much about how the blame for
> the closing of Shanti Yoga has been pushed off onto Victor instead of
> being borne by the same group/individuals who, if rushed to
> consciousness, could avert this sort of trajedy from occuring yet
> again.
> How about walking your talk and sharing with we 'isolationists' what
> transpired at this event, how the future of JPI looks, what new and
> effective prep remedies came up, and what-not?
> Thanks for posting what you did, Steve!! If we don't learn to share
> with one another soon, we're going to have hell to pay, aren't we?
> -Allan
> >In a message dated 2/17/02 4:11:18 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >
> ><< So yes in the US its a dead word and Gils comment stands, elswhere it
> >what we the practioners make it and the Associations are just monuments
> >to certain individuals egos and near on irrelevant except to a fanatical
> >few.
> >Im for holding the vision of BD as wholistic and continuing on. When in
> >the US I guess I will have to use Quantum Ag or some such term. hummmmm
> >bummer.
> >Glen >>
> >
> >Glen, those who choose to call bd dead in the US have isolated themselves
> >from the people of the movement.  They are depriving themselves of open
> >communication with many creative and hardworking folks that will continue
> >with or without ''their'' approval.  For instance, I just spent this past
> >weekend at a ''Future of the Preparations''  meeting where
regionalization by
> >existing groups was strengthened and will continue to be developed in a
> >highly positive manner.  About sixty folks came to Camphill Copake and
> >discussed the possibilities for the future.  This will happen.  There was
> >nothing dead about the meeting.  What was dead was the input of those who
> >bd is dead, ergo they must be the dead ones.  Just wanted to update you
> >the positive aspects of the bd reality.
> >By the way the remedy you inspired me to make, bc with 500-508 is
> >wonderful.  Hope to meet you next time you are in the USA...peace,

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