Jose, then this would involve ELF waves.  I don't know if the HAARP 
project uses scalar waves, but they are working with LF or ELF.  Some 
researchers have proposed scalar waves for strengthening the immune 
system, however  the  effects you suggest must come from producing 
much stronger fields.  The Soviets were believed to be testing scalar 
weapons based on Tesla's theories, but I haven't heard of them 
testing on human subjects, such as workers in the embassy.

If you have any further thoughts specifically relating to the embassy 
or Soviet testing I'd be interested in reading them via private email 
address so we don't tie up the list.  Thanks.


>My guess is that the commies were working on scalar waves
>which is something totally different than any other frequency
>already known.
>Donīt forget that all the writtings from Tesla were taken into the USSR
>by a relative of him which by the way was as red as a ripe watermelon
>( the pulp not the skin ).

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