Hi! Allan,
I would be interested. Can you build in a device to tell you how many
hits, to see if it is used?


Allan Balliett wrote:

> >Hi Allan,
> >I don't have the equipment for audio myself but would vote that you
> >go ahead with putting the lectures on line, it would be a valuable
> >addition to BDNow. I guess it would be available in the future
> >through the archives?
> >I did have audio tapes of Sally Fallon from the Acres Conference -
> >she was great.
> The streaming audio from the tapes would be available on the
> gardeningforthefuture.com webpage.
> >
> >It sure is easy recommending work for other people! Hope you get the
> >help you need to accomplish it, sorry I can't contribute.
> >Nancy Geffken
> The issue right now is not the work. The issue I'm trying to get over
> is determining if people would want, need, use such a resource or
> would I be expending time and resources imagining a 'perfect
> audience' that doesn't really exist?
> Thanks for your input, Nancy. -Allan

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