Friends -

Dr DeMeo has a very tight schedule right now. He is concerned that 
superficial understanding about the manufacture and use of 
cloudbusters and other orgone devices may do widespread damage or may 
cause personal injury to the users. (Severe cancers appear to have 
been caused in people holding orgonomic devices when Reich was 
working with them.)

Below are Dr DeMeo's opening remarks. Check out his webpages also (I 
think he has three sites, but right now I'm not certain, the url 
below will get you to one of them and from there you can link to the 
rest.) Then, in the  very near future,  post your questions or 
comments to BD Now! and I'll forward them to Dr. DeMeo for answers.


-Allan Balliett
BD Now!


Review issue #5 of PULSE of the PLANET at

Also, if I spoke, I would not want to present with any emphasis upon
"cloudbusting" per se, but would consent to a wide-ranging discussion on
Reich's discoveries as they relate to agriculture -- his bion discovery, as
you may know, has some relations to the larger issue of organic versus
non-organic agricuture, and to the homeopathic issue as well.  I could also
discuss "problems of atmospheric life-energy", where we could focus on some
of the things that destroy natural energetic pulsation, to include some
points about the cloudbuster, pro and con.  My work on the orgone
accumulator would also be important as a central theme, especially
regarding the recent three-year study I concluded showing a near 40%
increase in growth of mung-bean sprouts in the accumulator, as compared to
controls. If your group ever got the funds, you should fly Jutta Espanca
over from Portugal, as she's done more work on practial applications of
orgone seed-charging for garden vegetables -- I could summarize her work in
a presentation, but that's never as good as having the one with the
practical experience.

On the cloudbusting issue, what amazes me is that we have perhaps five
publications which contain some of the best-available research data since
Reich on use of the cloudbuster for ending droughts, and greening deserts
-- in back issues of our Pulse of the Planet, and in my 1979 KU research
study -- but hardly anyone buys those.  Instead, people want the
information posted to internet, will full construction plans and operating
instructions so they can have it NOW!!! without waiting one instant, and
without doing any kind of background reading, or work, or study.  A city
boy who tried to instantly become a farmer, ignoring all advice and going
along with the promoters, would not last one season taking such an
approach, any novice wanting to jump into the pilot's seat of a 777
jetliner would likely crash.  But somehow, because this is an "unorthodox"
subject, people sometimes feel they can become an "instant weather
modifier", and concoct whatever theory suits them so as to justify their
actions.  This is arrogance written big, but in this case, written in the
sky, to affect everyone else, for better or worse.

So, the Croft posting you sent will satisfy those people, as INSTANTLY!!!
and without any effort, they can suddenly become a "cloudbuster operator",
and "fight chemtrails" or "evil entities", or the "New World Order", or
whatever -- well, I've said plenty about this sorry situation in my article
"So You Want to Build a Cloudbuster" which is now posted to:
Already, it is kicking up a lot of dust in those circles, though more
rational persons have thanked me for making it available.

I can only hope that farmers, who know something about weather and nature,
will perhaps spot any tendencies towards drought that spring up after these
things start being used in their regions, and remember that they heard
something from me that warned about continuous over-use, or mis-use of a
cloudbusting device helping to make drought (or, for that manner, severe
storms). There are rational people doing this work, but they do so only
rarely, when the atmosphere gets stuck and loses its self-regulatory
properties, and almost all of them are members of the informal CORE Network
(, which is a responsible group to which I belong, and
which remains true to Reich's original methods and cautions.  I can report
what many probably already know -- there is a real tendency towards drought
now, on both coasts, and with El Nino raising its head once again, it may

On the West Coast, I noted a clear drought tendency following the expansion
of the "chembuster" network in Washington and Oregon.  And friends of mine
in Namibia, Africa, whom I helped with a major drought problem in 1991 and
subsequently trained, tell me Croft was there in January, setting up a
network of his devices which are now used permanently, constantly, and
they've had drought ever since.  Because Croft appears primarily interested
in "busting chemtrails" or "driving away evil entities", the issue of
natural clouds and rains is not a primary interest -- though he boasts his
device cannot have such negative influences, my own observations, and those
of others, suggests otherwise.

The bigger problem is, Croft's network is hawking cloudbusters for sale to
virtually anyone with the $300 bucks.  Farmers, I might trust a bit more
because they talk to each other, and watch the sky, and really want good
rains.  But this is not the case with persons whose primary motivation is
"spiritual cleansing" or fighting off invisible aliens or the CIA.   I'll
give you one example.  We had a sorry woman call up here, a nervous wreck
who could not go out of her house because she was frightened of demons, and
was ill from air pollution.  She bought a few books we have on living
water, and then said she was considering to buy a cloudbuster through
Croft's network to keep the aliens and the CIA from ruining her health,
which she blamed on "chemtrails".  Not that I wholly deny something going
on with jet aircraft pollution, or some irresponsible cloud-seeding
experiments and the like -- but I totally reject as paranoid thinking the
idea of the US government willfully trying to poison large segments of the
population.   This kind of thinking leads one into a self-imposed mental
straitjacket, where nobody can be trusted, and where the future is so dim
and hopeless, one is left to "battle the forces of darkenss" from one's
backyard, with a "cloudbuster".  I reject this philosophy firstly because
all the facts which are held forth to support it are more easily explained
in more simple, and innocent ways, and secondly because it leads one into
an emotional and mental pit, with a feeling of impotent helplessness save
for "spiritualistic" balms, "Holy Hand Grenades" and the like.  We gently
informed this woman, it was not a good idea to build a cloudbuster in her
backyard, as the air pollution was in fact coming from a local lumber mill
and heavy traffic, and in combination with the high-humidity area where she
lived, near a river, it was possibly creating some kinds of allergic
reactions combined with molds and such.  We advised her to find an
alternative health practitioner to help her with her respiratory problems,
and possibly to move to a new location.  If she was more energetic, I would
have also advised joining local environmental groups to work on the air
pollution problem.  But for her to simply buy or build a cloudbuster in her
back yard, or for any Joe Six-Pack to put one up next to the Bar-B-Que...
you see the problem?  .

Add to this, the fact that virtually every internet web site which presents
itself as giving instructions on how to use a cloudbuster has got it wrong,
and basically is the blind leading the blind.  Oh, a few good points here
and there, mostly taken from Reich's publications, but at a basic level,
confused and inaccurate, and bound to increase the general level of weather
chaos and drought.  Nobody I know who has a good knowledge and feeling for
this work ever has written about how to build a genuine cloudbuster, much
less how to use it. Most of that information has been handed down,
word-of-mouth, from teachers to apprentices over the last 50 years. The
information simply has too much potential for abuse, which is what we are
seeing right now.  So you can be assured, anyone who posts instructions on
the internet is not well-informed or knowledgable, or responsible.  Enough
for an email!

Kind regards,
James DeMeo

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