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Liquid space

There's so much going on in a vacuum that it's beginning to look like 
a substance in its own right. Paul Davies offers you a guided tour of 
the quantum ether

IS SPACE just space? Or is it filled with some sort of mysterious, 
intangible substance? The ancient Greeks believed so, and so did 
scientists in the 19th century. Yet by the early part of the 20th 
century, the idea had been discredited and seemed to have gone for 

Now, however, quantum physics is casting new light on this murky 
subject. Some of the ideas that fell from favour are creeping back 
into modern thought, giving rise to the notion of a quantum ether.

This surprising revival is affording new insights into the nature of 
motion through space, the deep interconnectedness of the Universe, 
and the possibility of time travel. Ingenious new experiments may 
even allow us to detect the quantum ether in the lab, or harness it 
for technological purposes.

If so, we'll have answered a question that has troubled philosophers 
and scientists for millennia. In the 5th century BC, Leucippus and 
Democritus concluded that the physical universe was made of tiny 
particles-atoms-moving in a void. Impossible, countered the followers 
of Parmenides. A void implies nothingness, and if two atoms were 
separated by nothing, then they would not be separated at all, they 
would be touching. So space cannot exist unless it is filled with 
something, a substance they called the plenum.

If the plenum exists, it must be quite unlike normal matter. For 
example, Isaac Newton's laws of motion state that a body moving 
through empty space with no forces acting on it will go on moving in 
the same way. So the plenum cannot exert a frictional drag-indeed, if 
it did, the Earth would slow down in its orbit and spiral in towards 
the Sun.

Nevertheless, Newton himself was convinced that space was some kind 
of substance. He noted that any body rotating in a vacuum-a planet 
spinning in space, for example-experiences a centrifugal force. The 
Earth bulges slightly at the equator as a result. But truly empty 
space has no landmarks against which to gauge rotation. So, thought 
Newton, there must be something invisible lurking there to provide a 
frame of reference. This something, reacting back on the rotating 
body, creates the centrifugal force.

The 17th century German philosopher Gottfried Leibniz disagreed. He 
believed that all motion is relative, so rotation can only be gauged 
by reference to distant matter in the Universe. We know the Earth is 
spinning because we see the stars go round. Take away the rest of the 
Universe, Leibniz said, and there would be no way to tell if the 
Earth was rotating, and hence no centrifugal force.

The belief that space is filled with some strange, tenuous stuff was 
bolstered in the 19th century. Michael Faraday and James Clerk 
Maxwell considered electric and magnetic fields to be stresses in 
some invisible material medium, which became known as the 
luminiferous ether. Maxwell believed electromagnetic waves such as 
light to be vibrations in the ether. And the idea that we are 
surrounded and interpenetrated by a sort of ghostly jelly appealed to 
the spiritualists of the day, who concocted the notion that we each 
have an etheric body as well as a material one.

But when Albert Michelson and Edward Morley tried to measure how fast 
the Earth is moving through the ether, by comparing the speed of 
light signals going in different directions, the answer they got was 

An explanation came from Albert Einstein: the ether simply doesn't 
exist, and Earth's motion can be considered only relative to other 
material bodies, not to space itself. In fact, no experiment can 
determine a body's speed through space, since uniform motion is 
purely relative, he said.

Sounds OK so far, but there was one complication: acceleration. If 
you are in an aeroplane flying steadily, you can't tell that you're 
moving relative to the ground unless you look out of the window, just 
as Einstein asserted. You can pour a drink and sip it as comfortably 
as if you were at rest in your living room. But if the plane surges 
ahead or slows suddenly, you notice at once because your drink slops 
about. So although uniform motion is relative, acceleration appears 
to be absolute: you can detect it without reference to other bodies.

Einstein wanted to explain this inertial effect-what we might 
commonly call g-forces-using the ideas of the Austrian philosopher 
Ernst Mach. Like Leibniz, Mach believed that all motion is relative, 
including acceleration. According to Mach, the slopping of your drink 
in the lurching aeroplane is attributable to the influence of all the 
matter in the Universe-an idea that became known as Mach's principle. 
Einstein warmed to the idea that the gravitational field of the rest 
of the Universe might explain centrifugal and other inertial forces 
resulting from acceleration.

However, when in 1915 Einstein finished formulating his general 
theory of relativity -a theory of space, time and gravitation-he was 
disappointed to find that it did not incorporate Mach's principle. 
Indeed, mathematician Kurt GÖdel showed in 1948 that one solution to 
Einstein's equations describes a universe in a state of absolute 
rotation-something that is impossible if rotation can only be 
relative to distant matter. So if acceleration is not defined as 
relative to distant matter, what is it relative to? Some new version 
of the ether?

In 1976 I began investigating what quantum mechanics might have to 
say. According to quantum field theory, the vacuum has some strange 
properties. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle implies that even in 
empty space, subatomic particles such as electrons and photons are 
constantly popping into being from nowhere, then fading away again 
almost immediately. This means that the quantum vacuum is a seething 
frolic of evanescent "virtual particles".

Although these particles lack the permanence of normal matter, they 
can still have a physical influence. For example, a pair of mirrors 
arranged facing one another extremely close together will feel a tiny 
force of attraction, even in a perfect vacuum, because of the way the 
set-up affects the behaviour of the virtual photons. This has been 
confirmed in many experiments.

So clearly the quantum vacuum resembles the ether, in the sense that 
there's more there than just nothing. But what exactly is the new 
version of the ether like? You might think that a real particle such 
as an electron moving in this sea of virtual particles would have to 
batter its way through, losing energy and slowing down as it goes. 
Not so. Like the ether of old, the quantum vacuum exerts no 
frictional drag on a particle with constant velocity.

But it's a different story with acceleration. The quantum vacuum does 
affect accelerating particles. For example, an electron circling an 
atom is jostled by virtual photons from the vacuum, leading to a 
slight but measurable shift in its energy.

And according to my 1976 calculations, an observer accelerating 
through empty space should see themselves surrounded by 
electromagnetic radiation, like that from a hot object. The stronger 
the acceleration, the hotter the radiation.

Later that year, William Unruh at the University of British Columbia 
reached a similar conclusion by considering how the quantum vacuum 
might affect an accelerating particle detector. Unruh's method was 
readily adaptable to rotational acceleration, and calculations 
revealed that a rotating detector in a vacuum would also see 
radiation. Could this heat radiation be the ether glowing?

To find out for sure, we would have to actually observe the 
radiation. However, the effect is tiny: to register a temperature of 
just 1 kelvin requires an acceleration of about 1021 g. Accelerating 
a physicist so severely is hardly a practical proposition. But maybe 
we could subject a subatomic particle to such violence. Last month, 
Daniel Vanzella and George Matsas of the State University in SÃo 
Paulo, caused a stir by pointing out that if the radiation effect 
exists, it could cause a proton to do something that would never 
happen otherwise. A rapidly accelerated proton would absorb energy 
from the surrounding radiation and turn into a neutron, creating a 
positron neutrino in the process. But achieving such enormous 
accelerations is extremely difficult, even with a proton.

So is there a gentler way? In the 1970s, Stephen Fulling and I, then 
working at King's College London, investigated how the quantum vacuum 
would be disturbed by a moving mirror. We found that, as with a 
moving particle, there was no effect if the mirror moves at a 
constant velocity. Somewhat to our puzzlement, the same turned out to 
be true for a uniformly accelerating mirror. However, a mirror that 
changes its acceleration-by wiggling back and forth, say-excites the 
quantum vacuum and creates real photons. It might be possible to 
amplify this moving-mirror radiation by using a resonant cavity with 
vibrating walls. Marc-Thierry Jaekel, Astrid Lambrecht and Serge 
Reynaud of the University of Paris, Jussieu, described such an 
experiment earlier this year. They showed that the resonant 
oscillations not only amplify the radiation, they mean that it is 
emitted in sharply peaked bursts, helping to make it distinctive. The 
unsolved problem is how to shake the cavity violently enough while 
keeping it very cold, so that heat radiation doesn't swamp the still 
faint signal.

There could be a way to feel the ether more directly. Theory predicts 
that the quantum vacuum behaves in some ways like a viscous fluid. 
According to general relativity, a gravitational field is just a 
distortion of the geometry of space-time. And it turns out that 
bending space puts a strain on the quantum ether. If this strain 
changes with time, you get friction. Leonard Parker discovered in the 
late 1960s that an expanding or contracting Universe would create 
particles out of a pure vacuum. In effect, the stretching of space 
jiggles up some of the virtual particles and turns them into real 

At about the same time, Unruh and Alexei Starobinskii of Moscow 
University predicted a similar effect near black holes. They showed 
that if a black hole (which is actually just highly warped empty 
space) rotates, it emits quantum particles and glows. The quantum 
ether provides a neat way to explain this. As the hole rotates, it 
drags the ether around with it. The dragging effect is fiercer closer 
to the hole, so the ether is sheared, which heats it and makes it 
glow. Unfortunately the glow is so faint that no readily foreseeable 
telescope will be able to capture it.

Luckily, you don't need a black hole to observe ether friction. In 
1997, John Pendry of Imperial College, London, showed that a mirror 
sliding sideways parallel to another mirror facing it should 
experience friction even in a vacuum, because the virtual photons 
sandwiched between the parallel plates would heat up the mirror 
surfaces. This heat energy can come only from the kinetic energy of 
the plates, which would therefore be slowed down.

The same would apply to a single atom moving near a metal surface. So 
in theory, an atom dropped down the exact centre of a vertical metal 
pipe should reach a terminal velocity as it ploughs through the 
viscous quantum vacuum, just like a ball bearing dropped into oil. 
With advances in cold-atom optics, such an experiment might be 
feasible in the near future.

Yet even if we could detect the quantum ether as dramatically as 
this, all the effects I have described so far are weak. None of them 
has a powerful influence on the Universe, so you might think the 
quantum ether is just a minor curiosity. But some physicists think 
the very opposite is true.

Bernard Haisch of the California Institute for Physics and 
Astrophysics in Palo Alto and his colleagues have calculated the 
effect of the quantum vacuum on an accelerating charged particle, and 
claim that it mimics the effect of mass (New Scientist, 3 February, p 
22). This, says Haisch, is the true origin of inertia, and solves the 
old conundrum about acceleration and relative motion. Put bluntly, 
your drink slops when an aircraft lurches because the quantum vacuum 
pushes against the accelerating atoms. Although few scientists have 
so far accepted this claim, the possibility is tantalising.

And there is a curious pointer to something deeper. Quantum physics 
is famed for its "non-locality": the fact that it is not possible to 
characterise the physical situation at a point in space without 
reference to the state of the system in the wider surroundings. The 
quantum vacuum is no exception, since its state is defined across all 
of space. This enables it to "feel" the structure of the entire 
Universe, and thereby to link the global and the local in precisely 
the manner that Mach had in mind. This nonlocality hints at a 
possible connection between local physics and distant matter in the 
Universe -a connection that could be mediated by the quantum ether. 
Among other things, it could explain why we share an absolute frame 
of acceleration with the distant stars.

This is not the ether of Maxwell. Rather than being the medium that 
transmits light, it is made of light-virtual photons-and other 
virtual particles. Nor is it the plenum. The Greek philosophers' 
original argument against the void has lost much of its force, 
because physicists today have little difficulty imagining the concept 
of empty space. But now they question whether space itself is truly 
fundamental. Perhaps space as we know it is a special configuration 
of a deeper quantum entity, the properties of which we can only guess 
at. Far from abhorring a vacuum, nature may have worked very hard to 
create one.

Time machines and endless energy

COULD we tap the quantum ether as a power source? The first 
consideration is how much energy it contains. Calculating it using 
quantum field theory, you get an enormous energy density-about 10110 
joules per cubic centimetre. That may sound like a wealth of free 
energy waiting to be mined, but unfortunately it can't be true. 
Vacuum energy has an antigravitational effect-it pushes space 
apart-and that much antigravity would be catastrophic.

Astronomers do believe that some kind of dark energy is slowly 
speeding up the Universe's expansion. If the quantum vacuum is 
responsible, then it would have to have an energy density of no more 
than a few joules per cubic kilometre-a pretty poor energy source. 
What's more, to get at this energy you need a sink region of even 
lower energy into which the energy can flow. So unless you can reduce 
the vacuum energy in a region of space, you can't extract what is 

But we could yet find a more exotic use for the vacuum. Gravitational 
fields modify the energy of the ether, and can sometimes make it 
negative. Some astrophysicists have speculated about using 
negative-energy ether to build a wormhole in space. Wormholes are 
hypothetical short cuts through space-time between two widely 
separated points, and they have become famous as potential time 
machines. According to general relativity, by traversing a wormhole 
and returning through normal space at high speed, an astronaut could 
get home before he or she left.

Calculations by Kip Thorne and his colleagues at the California 
Institute of Technology showed that a wormhole would soon collapse 
under its own gravity unless shored up by some exotic material with 
substantial negative energy-such as suitably modified ether.

However, visiting the past in this manner paves the way for all sorts 
of troubling paradoxes, such as killing your own grandfather before 
he had any children, thereby negating your own existence. Many 
physicists are deeply unhappy about such paradoxes, and believe that 
nature will forbid travel backwards in time. Stephen Hawking proposed 
a "chronology protection hypothesis" which says that if you try to 
make a time machine, something will stop you.

But what might that something be? The answer could be the quantum 
ether itself. All those virtual particles swarming in the vacuum 
would get caught up in the time vortex around a wormhole. This would 
severely modify the structure of the quantum ether, enormously 
boosting its energy near the wormhole. It remains unclear whether the 
intense gravity associated with this seething energy would wreck the 
wormhole and prevent time travel. Maybe a clever enough cosmic 
engineer could harness negative ether energy to stabilise the 
wormhole's interior, while preventing the ether energy swirling 
around the wormhole from escalating out of control.

Paul Davies is a physicist and writer based at Macquarie University, 
Sydney, and the University of Queensland. His latest book will be 
published this month by Allen Lane, The Penguin Press

>From New Scientist 03 November 2001.

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