Hello All,

We did get a moment of rain over a week ago, but have had many days all
summer, fall, and now winter where clouds gather in the sky, promising rain,
only to dissipate either later in the day or even days later producing NO
rain at all. It is clear that the atmosphere is not able to organize a rain

Frankly, I find this more alarming than terrorism, especially because I
consider my government to be one of the leading terrorists in the world.

A trip a couple of weeks ago, up to the northern end of the county, where
the NYC water supply begins, was even more alarming, to see some reservoirs
which were literally bone dry and others down by more than 40 %. It's as if
the land were gasping around the area.

My garden has been great, producing small amounts of kale, turnip greens,
herbs even and a few straggling carrots all winter--further proof as far as
I'm concerned about how compost and preps and communion can enliven and
create protected space. I stand in awe of those of you responsible for
feeding others and farming. As I've said many times before on this list, if
Americans all had to grow their own food, they'd probably starve.

As for the drought, wow, this lazy self may actually have to get out there
and do sequential sprays.


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