Hello bdnow friends,

What would be beneficial to plant under apple trees?

Bonnie of Froghaven in Washington state here.

I've got my biodynamic preps and am ready to use them.  My interest in 
this is longstanding , having been a student of anthroposophy for a very 
long time.  Thank goodness for the Internet,  otherwise I would never 
have known about the Oregon Biodynamic group.  Last fall I went to their 
prep making and it was wonderful. On my own I would never have had the 
resources or knowledge available to put this into action. Many thanks to 
those of you from that group who are on this list.

Last fall was a time of great change on many levels. One week before 
September11th, I  left a job I had been at for over two years and took 
off in my own direction. I'm doing garden design and maintenance. That 
is to help with finances while I figure out how to do some kind of 
market garden.

It's always amazing how things move when it's time for movement and if 
one is open to the changes. I just try to accept all with grace. I've 
been looking for this for a very long time; wondering what I'd be when I 
grew up<G>

I'm nearly finished with a basic horticulture class at the local 
community college. I just did a presentation on the soil food web and 
making compost tea. There was a lot of interest in using horticultural 
practices that did not use chemical fertilizers or pesticides.  I didn't 
even introduce biodynamics, although I did mention it, along with 
permaculture and One Straw Revolution.  That is as far as the general 
public is. They are just being introduced to something new. We make 
inroads slowly and as others are comfortable with "new" stuff. In the 
meantime we can do what we know to do and learn from one another as we 

I really appreciate you all,
Bonnie York

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