----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 11:36 PM
Subject: Re: Gauss readings of soil

Hi James and Barbara!

Thanks for all of your good work.....

For those of us still wishing to learn some of the technical lingo -- could you explain Gauss?  Thanks!


Hi Wayne

I will leave the technical explanation to James  but in the meantime if you want to do some testing yourself here's how

1. get a sample (or a couple of different ones) of paramagneteic rock dust of known gauss and keep for reference, I keep mine in a normal paper envelope.

2.  now you need a small  (1/2" diameter or smaller) but high quality - strong - magnet - your ordinary fridge magnet type is not good enough - and suspend the magnet on a piece of cotton about a foot or so long.

3. the magnet will stick to your envelope of paramagnetic material and by moving the cotton away so that you have just enough tension on the cotton to equal the weight of the magnet you find the magnet comes away from the sample at a certain angle depending on the paramagnetic value or strength of the material tested. The reverse of this of course is that a diamagnetic material (lime for instance) should repel the magnet

Its a fun thing - but a good enough system to tell if a rock source is worthy of serious testing - good enough that I was not all that surprised by the reading we got on James's soil and a 1200 reading is regarded as real good for soil   DO NOT GET THIS LITTLE MAGNET ANYWHERE NEAR YOUR HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES OR YOU WILL NUKE THEM

Have fun

Lloyd Charles

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