>Another repeat....
>Dear Hugh,
>You wrote:
>"I think the secret is getting the moisture to tie up inside the cell
>membranes of living organisms in the soil. Then it doesn't evaporate or
>sink, just is there....."
>A fascinating concept which I've never heard of before.  Is this your
>(valid) theory Hugh, or have you done trials etc to quantify this?  It
>obviously ties in with increased soil moisture through increased soil
>organic matter ....
>Stephen Barrow

Dear Stephen,

We'll see how this idea proves out. Though the fact that moisture loss is
slowed considerably at the cell wall barriers of living organisms certainly
is true, it could be insignificant in the face of other factors. Let's see
how it proves itself?

The 21st century fronteirs of science are the vastest we have seen so far.
We are finally beginning to scratch the surface of the universal mysteries.

Hugh Lovel

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