On the occasion of World Water Day 2002 (www.worldwaterday.org) WHO has
published its Feature 206:

Geneva, March 2002-The largest mass poisoning of a population in history
is now underway in Bangladesh.

It is a terrible public catastrophe, asserts Allan H. Smith, Professor
of Epidemiology at the University of California, Berkeley, and a WHO
consultant who has investigated arsenicosis in Bangladesh on several

The number of people affected by this arsenic disaster is among the
greatest of any disease facing the world today. "By virtue of its sheer
size it is pushing the limits of our knowledge and capacity to respond
to it," asserts Professor Hans van Ginkel, Rector of the United Nations
University in Tokyo.

The crisis has, however, spurred intense research in water
de-contamination techniques. How to ensure tens of millions of people
arsenic-free drinking water when their water supply comes from wells,
many of them rich in arsenic.

How many Bangladeshi are exposed to a high level of arsenic? Estimates
vary from a low of 28-35 million to a high of 77 million, more than half
the population of the country.

The Bangladeshi are being poisoned by drinking well water, usually
without knowing it. Only three decades ago health and development
experts, and small local contractors, dug between 7-11 million deep tube
wells throughout Bangladesh. The experts encouraged the whole nation to
drink well water because it was safe. It was free of the bacteria that
caused water-borne diseases such as diarrhoea and other intestinal
maladies that have long plagued tropical Bangladesh.

Ironically, the people of Bangladesh exchanged water-borne diseases for
arsenicosis. In the 1970s public health specialists and government
policy-makers did not think of arsenic. It was only in 1993 that the
"clean" well water was discovered to contain dangerous quantities of the

Arsenicosis can cause skin cancer as well as cancers of the bladder,
kidney and lung, and diseases of the blood vessels of the legs and feet,
and possibly diabetes, high blood pressure and reproductive disorders.

WHO's most recent guideline for a maximum amount of arsenic in drinking
water recommends 10 parts per billion (ppb). That was in 1993 when it
was lowered to that level from 50 ppb. A new guideline is anticipated in
2003. But most water that is drunk in arsenic affected areas in
Bangladesh has substantially higher levels, frequently far above 50 ppb.

Arsenic-contaminated water is not restricted to developing countries. In
the western states of the United States of America about 13 million
people drink arsenic-tainted water, albeit less contaminated than the
well water in Bangladesh. Australia, too, has arsenic-contaminated
water. So do Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Hungary, Mexico, Taiwan (Province
of China), Thailand, Viet Nam, and the eastern areas of India in Bengal.

"Unfortunately," says WHO sanitary engineer, Hiroki Hashizume, a
Japanese expert on arsenic, "it is virtually impossible, with present
measurement techniques, especially in the developing world, to measure
quantities below 10 ppb.  When drinking water guidelines or national
standards are established, careful attention has to be paid to
analytical capability, arsenic removal  technology, etc., to ensure that
the levels are really achieved. Since the principal health gain comes
from targeting those most exposed to arsenic poisoning, using an
intermediate target of 50 ppb, until a lower target can be achieved,
would already improve people's health given Bangladesh's limitations.

"Another unfortunate and complicating fact about arsenic poisoning,"
Hiroki Hashizume adds, "is that it generally takes from seven to 10
years, sometimes longer, for the disease to be recognized. When it
finally is, it may be too late to treat."

Professor Robert Goyer, who headed a nine-member commission of the US
National Academies of Science, says its findings bolster a 1999 study by
the Academy that found that men and women who drink every day water with
10 ppb of arsenic have an increased risk of more than 3 in 1000 of
developing bladder or lung cancer during their lifetime. That risk rises
to 7 in 1000 at 20 ppb.

Arsenicosis is recognizable from skin color changes, blotches all over
the face and body, hyper pigmentation on the chest and upper arms, hard
patches on palms and soles of the feet, inability to walk, debilitating
pain, watery eyes.

Recently, a woman staggered into a village in Chandpur District where
Nasrine R. Karim, the head of a Bangladeshi non-governmental
organization, Earth Identity Project, was visiting arsenic-sick

"She was in a pitiful state," recalls Nasrine. " She could barely walk
or stand up. Her face and body were covered with dreadful splotches. Her
hands and the bottoms of her feet were a solid mass of hard patches, her
eyes watery. Her lips and tongue were blue. I had never seen a victim of
arsenicosis in such a ghastly condition."

Nasrine, whose NGO deals with 5,000 villagers who have been drinking the
arsenic-tainted water found in 98% of the area's wells, decided to
transport Chandrabanu to Dhaka. There she was given vitamins and was
well nourished for her severe malnutrition. Nasrine took the woman into
her house for two months.

"During this period she followed the STAR water treatment," Nasrine
says. "STAR stands for Stevens Technology for Arsenic Removal. Stevens
is an institute in Hoboken, New Jersey, and one of their engineers, an
environmental chemist named Xiaoguang Meng, has invented an effective
and inexpensive method for filtering out the arsenic from drinking water
for individual households.

"You pour well water into a 20-liter bucket and then empty into it a
small packet of powder containing 3.8 grams of an iron sulphate mixture
with a small quantity of calcium hypochlorite. You stir with a stick for
less than a minute. Then pour the water into three or four inches of
sand which serve as a filter. To make sure that no arsenic has slipped
through the sand, we throw away this first water. The next batch of
water flows into a hole in the bucket through a tube into a second
bucket. It is perfectly clean and ready to be drunk.

"In about two months Chandrabanu felt and looked well enough to return
to her village. Since then, the splotches on her face and body and the
hard patches on her feet have disappeared. Today she is no longer in any
pain, and she is walking and working.
She has improved tremendously, and yet we thought we couldn't possibly
save her life.
For Chandrabanu it is a miraculous cure. For us at the Earth Identity
Project it is a remarkable result, full of hope. I don't dare yet to
call it a 'cure,' although it has all the signs of one."

Nasrine says that her 5,000 villagers are all using the same water
treatment and "responding favorably. The results are, again, very

Jamie Bartram, Coordinator of WHO's Water, Sanitation and Health
Programme, says "we know that arsenic is rapidly excreted in urine. So,
for early or mild cases of arsenicosis no specific treatment other than
clean, safe water is required. Nasrine Karim's experience seems to
suggest that ceasing to drink arsenic-tained water, combined with the
natural excretion of the arsenic in urine, can eliminate arsenicosis.
Any technique that guarantees uncontaminated water, will do the trick.
It remains to be seen, however, whether all the possible long-term
after-effects of arsenicosis will really have been eliminated.
Basically, clean water is the cure."

Considering what approach one should take for curing or preventing
arsenic poisoning, Professor Smith of U. Cal. Berkeley, agrees that "the
basic treatment is to supply the patient with drinking water that is
free from arsenic. This is the first priority. Indeed, in the absence of
good evidence for the effectiveness of other treatments, the second
priority is to continue providing arsenic-free water, and the third
priority is to monitor patients to ensure that they remain unexposed to

And is Nasrine Karim's success on a small scale meaningful for the tens
of millions of other Bangladeshi who are exposed to arsenic poisoning?

"I think so," she says. "Instead of paying $10 for the buckets and
importing the chemical packets from the United States, we could easily
manufacture them here in Bangladesh in huge quantities and sell them at
a far lower price. To do this we need substantial funding. I'm often
told that health funding is available if it's for a good cause. Coping
with the arsenic poisoning of millions of women, children and men -'the
largest mass poisoning of a population in history' -- is a good cause,
is it not?"

Note to journalists: for more information or interviews please contact :
 Jamie Bartram, WHO, Coordinator, Water, Health and Sanitation Unit,
WHO, Geneva.
Telephone  (+41 22) 791 3537, E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED];

Hiroki Hashizume, Engineer, Water, Sanitation and Health Unit, WHO,
Telephone (+41 22) 791 3726, Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED];

Paul Ress, media consultant, Geneva. Telephone (+41 22) 734.9813,

All WHO Press Releases, Fact Sheets and Features as well as other
information on this subject can be obtained on Internet on the WHO home
page http://www.who.int/ and on www.worldwaterday.org.

You can view the "beforee and after Chandrabavu pictures by clicking on

Dick de Jong

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