During the Agricultural Course at Kobewitz when Steiner was asked about
mechanical stiring he suggested it was better to stir by hand. Just before
giveing the recipies for the remedies he commended the Kolisko's for their
good work with homoeopathy. When he returned to Dornach he told Ehrenfried
Pfeiffer that the benefits of the recipies given at Koberwitz should be
spread as widely over the World as possible. These statements are still
unresolved challenges to many although many others are getting to work and
doing it to the best of their ability.
One challenge with a stiring machine or flow form is imprinting the intent.
It is too easy to forget while we busy ourselves with some other important
task and leave the machine to get on with the stiring. Working with field
broadcasters has demonstrated the power and importance of intent
Warm regards,          Peter
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2002 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: The Wide World and Testing Preps

> In a message dated 3/23/02 1:00:56 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> << Allan and Steve - why not avoid altogether the controversy between
> 'tedious'
> hand stirring and contentious mechanical stirring by using a flowform
> cascade?     Tony N-S.
>  >>
> Flowforms work to some degree but without the intensity and organizational
> forces that the stirring process creates.  With flowforms you never
> the vortexial energy that you get by creating a vortex.  Steiner knew what
> was talking about when he said to stir in this fashion.  A vortex created
> stirring from the periphery is a model of the eternally creative
> of the universe that is God.  With a vortex you can imprint your personal
> intent and substance to the spray and effect the farm in that

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