Esoteric Astrology for the week of March 21 - 27, 2002

      Beams of Resurrecting Light

      This Sunday is Palm Sunday. Next week Passover (Jewish festival of
freedom from death) and the Aries Full Sun/Moon spiritual festival occur.
The Aries Festival is the first of three (Aries, Taurus & Gemini) Sun
festivals of the new Spiritual year (begun at Spring equinox). This festival
overlays both Passover (Jewish) and Easter (Christian), festivals
representing previous developmental stages for humanity and celebrated
during different ages (learning stages of Aries and Pisces). Each age (2,500
years long) provides humanity with new laws, dispensations, rules, and
opportunities for development. In the present Aquarian (our new age)
unfoldment more of humanity will begin to embrace the Full Sun/Moon
festivals which represent the new Aquarian rituals,dispensation, laws,
rules, and opportunities for development. Long term readers of this column
are aware that energies and forces stream into our planet through light
waves. These light waves emanate from the 7 Rays in the Big Dipper, the
constellations, and planets, dropping their information (encoded in light)
to Earth. This reception and utilization of light is one very important and
precise way humanity and Earth's kingdoms evolve. The 12 monthly Full
Sun/Moon festivals are specific (and the only) times when the Earth is
bathed in this special light (five days in all). During these times our
evolutionary journey is accelerated. This information, little known to the
masses of people, is known to those who study the esoteric Ancient Wisdom
teachings (and read these columns).

      This week esoteric students the world over are preparing for the Aries
Full Sun/Moon festival, also called the Festival of Resurrection (new
light/seeds/Life of Spring), the same name for Easter. It is important to
know what energies are available from this Aries Full Sun/Moon. For without
this knowledge we cannot fully use, unify with, understand, and/or
distribute the radiations of light available that brings more life to Earth
and to all we come into contact (mineral, planet, animal, and human). During
the Aries Full Sun/Moon festival the Forces of Restoration are provided.
This is particularly important after the events of September 11th. During
the Aries Full Sun/Moon a great Being called the Spirit of Resurrection
streams forth energies into the world that lead humanity out of darkness
(ignorance) into light, from the unreal to the real, from death to
immortality (all dualities). We initiate a new creative work in Aries --
that of resurrecting the light out of form. An appropriate art visual
responding to the Spirit of Resurrection during the Full Sun/Moon Festival
are the etheric blue beams of light rising up from Manhattan's Ground Zero
and representing the "resurrection" of the Twin Towers (Gemini) destroyed on
September 11th. These beams of light, ascending from New York City (U.S.
throat chakra signifying creativity) are a tribute to the spirit of
recovery, renewal, and rebuilding. Sunday, the 24th is Palm Sunday with the
Moon in Leo (leadership sign). On the first Palm Sunday, two thousand years
ago, the first Aquarian,called Jesus the Christ, rode a donkey (commonality
with the masses) into the city of Jerusalem (Jeru means city, and salem
means peace) as the people waved palms (celebration heralding the coming
Aquarian Age of Knowledge). Jerusalem is a state of heart/mind (where the
Soul resides), the love center in the body. Jerusalem also signifies the
unfoldment of peace (salem) and love (heart) in the Aquarian Age (city)
through the development of knowledge. Because after knowledge is given and
understanding happens, love occurs. This is Aquarian.

      Thursday, the 21st, begins with a mid morning void-of-course (v/c) and
continues till 4:06 pm when the Moon enters Cancer. Comforting and nurturing
foods will be sought. Mercury, the way we speak with each other, could
create rather unempowering states of communication. We are to beware of this
in order to maintain right Speech. Right Speech, with the intentions of
goodwill and praise, is a quality of the Soul infused person.

      Friday, the 22nd, is an excellent money day (Venus/Pluto) but another
day of difficult communication, especially late morning when our
communication, intent on transforming situations, could also hurt and
destroy. Mercury is square (challenge) Pluto. What this means is that the
way we've spoken before may no longer be appropriate and we will be
challenged to seek new levels of connections that regenerate and give new
life with whatever and whomever we find ourselves. Silence is best.

      Saturday, the 23rd, is v/c all day till 9:12 pm. And Mars, which helps
us initiate things but also makes us impatient and angry, could challenge
the activities in our relationships. Beware of feeling aggressive,
impatient, and angry. It's also not a day to initiate things due to the v/c.
A day of sporting events, intense cleaning and clearing (physical levels),
lots of exercise is best. With no expectations for and/or from others. With
the Moon in Leo, beginning at 9:12 pm, our hearts open. Wait to connect till

      Sunday, the 24th, is Palm Sunday with Leo Moon. (See the second
paragraph of the above column). Around 2:30 (PST) in the afternoon
everything may seem as if it's falling apart once again. The Moon (emotions)
is making a connection to Neptune (dissolving, confusion). Whatever occurs,
see it as a sort of refinement. Things must fall apart before the next, new
level appears. It will be over by dinner.

      Monday, the 25th, is a bit easier until around 5:57 pm (PST) when the
Moon connects with Uranus (unexpected energies/events) and then becomes v/c
till 10:44 pm (PST) when the Moon enters Virgo. Read before sleep.

      Tuesday's (26th) Moon in Virgo could bring criticism and critical
thinking. It's a difficult day beginning at 9:49 am (PST). Mars connects
with Pluto which can be powerful leadership and/or emotional intensity. It's
a day to be careful. At 3:15 pm (PST) confusion could occur. Wait it out.
And at 7:14 pm (PST) no one will understand what anyone's saying till next
morning. Neptune has been contacted by both Moon (emotions) and Mercury
(communication). Remember, Neptune's purpose is refinement. Prayer helps.

      Wednesday (27th) is clear until 2:52 pm (PST) when everything falls
down again. We'll also be seeking nurturance in food and in others without
much success. Everything will be in excess, especially our ideals. By 5:31
pm (PST) the Moon becomes v/c till 10:04 pm (PST) when the Moon enters Libra
and we begin to seek balance through the chaos. At 7:27 pm (PST) , the
asteroid Juno (love and fidelity in relationships) is stationary direct.
Everything on hold (especially love) in our relationships will begin to be
liberated. Wednesday at sundown, Passover begins. And at 8:00 pm (PST),
(Wednesday is the evening before the Aries Full Sun/Moon on Thursday at
10:25 am), esoteric students are gathering together for the Festival of
Resurrection ritual. The seed thought for Aries is, "From the plane of mind
I rule." This signifies that all that is in form originated in the mind of
God. In Aries, the seed of the illumined mind is planted in form. In order
to have an illumined mind, there must be an integration and fusion between
the Soul and the personality. During this Full Aries Sun/Moon, the request
of aspirants is that the harmony (quality) of the Soul infuse the
personality. Then one can "rule" from the plane of mind, where the Soul
resides. Aries is Ray 1 which is the Will and Purpose of God. In Aries it is
the will and purpose of God that our minds become illumined so that we can
understand the purpose behind our creation, become servers of the Plan
(along with the Hierarchy), and approach the "idea" of ourselves as perfect
in the eyes of God. And so we "become."

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