This has been passed along so many times I do not know the original author
named Maggie. It came via a member of the GlobalNews Mailing list


  Equinox is upon us, a time for celebration and joy, a time of transition.
As we let go of the difficulties and intensity of the last three months, we
can make the shift into the new. Yet again we stand on the threshold of
somethng new. Spring is also a time of opening, cleansing and releasing and
an opportunity to move into the fullness of our being, a chance to blossom
like the beautiful spring flowers that are opening and eager to share their
beauty and delightful smells. As I watch my daffodils and hyacinths opening
and look at the early morning mist lifting from the mountains, I feel a deep
sense of awe and gratitude for all that has been given and for the wonder of

  Make this time of the Equinox, today and tomorrow, one of special
celebration, paying attention to the inner world. In your meditations these
days, feel the transition, attune to the seeds of change and transformation
and open to the joys of life.

  I wish you a beautiful, wonderful Equinox, love and light, Maggie

  "Morning has broken like the first morning
   Blackbird has spoken like the first bird
   Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
   Praise for the springing fresh from the Word."

                                         - Scottish  Irish ballad

         *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *


  The worst feeling energies are being experienced at this tail end of the
Snake / Mars zodiacal year. All the toxic remainder of the challenging Mars
year now ending is coming up to be transmuted. But great new energies will
be coming in soon with the Equinox and the Spring Full Moon.

  Those who are more feeling based and or more tuned to world need will have
been suffering most the last few weeks. The more taken on to transform, the
more the suffering, the more creative energy will be coming available in the
new cycle. Transforming is facilitated through prayer and fasting, singing
and dancing. This is also a good time for Epsom salt footbaths and Shiatsu
foot massage. The feet are the last part of the body through which psychic
toxins are released. Sun in Pisces (and Pisces lunation that follows)is the
time for clearing in this way. The more psychic and physical toxins are
cleared now the brighter will be the Equinox dawn.

  The month of March is named from the custom of setting armies marching at
this time of year. March is the month of Mars, the planet of vital energy,
ambition and warfare. This is "scapegoat season," a time when it is easier
to set people against each other. Shadow aspects of the psyche always are
revealed at the close of the zodiacal year. Whenever our cultural traditions
and personal practices fail us in integrating the personal and collective
shadow, then this shadow is apt to be projected onto others.

  St Patrick chasing the snakes from Ireland is a metaphor for "chasing out
the old Mars," an ancient pagan practice for this time in the annual cycle.
St Gertrude, the saint who chased the rats from Norway,  is also celebrated
on Mar 17th.

  Mars rules Aries, the first sign of Spring. Mars also rules the last third
of Pisces, the Scorpio decan with its keynote "purging." The toxic residue
of the last zodiacal year comes up in this time - Mar 10th to 20th - to be
transformed and cleared.

  The old Mars represents outmoded behavioral patterns and beliefs, what
drove us last zodiacal year but doesn't serve in the zodiacal year soon
beginning (Mar 20th). The old Mars is going out now in this Scorpio
(elimination) subsign of Pisces. This clearing and purging process will
continue through the Pisces lunation, the lunar cycle that began on Mar 13th
and continues until April 12th.

  This is spring cleaning time. The better we do our spring cleaning and
clear out our closets, physical and psychic, the more good will come to us
in this zodiacal year. The trappings of the old zodiacal year are now to be
let go. All the toxic residue of the past zodiacal year comes up to be
released during this time. Psychic toxins may appear in the form of negative
and confused thought forms. Old psychic forms broken up now release energy
back to the source within where it will be available for future creative
expression. This process corresponds to "plowing under" in preparing a

  Emotional and physical toxins always come up to be released from the
system at this phase of the annual cycle. Many  common illnesses are
designed to help in the clearing process. Some herbs that can be helpful for
internal cleansing are dandelion, milk thistle, cayenne, gentian.

  Mother Nature also provides aromatherapy in a timely manner. It's
important now to take time to smell the flowers that bloom around us. Each
scent has its special effect. And good smells encourage deep breathing.
Drinking lots of fresh water and breathing deeply are important to remember
for this time before the Equinox.

  Another way to prepare for the Equinox is to be near a large fire
(fireplace or out of doors). Stretching exercises or massage near the fire
can help release and transform what remains in the body to let go. Wild
dancing around a fire is an age old group ritual for transformation. There
is bioenergetic wisdom in this tradition. Clearing with fire, stretching,
and deep breathing can help open this first Equinox Gate of Inspiration for
the new zodiacal year.  This year will bring us great opportunities and
great challenges. It will be easier to meet the challenges if we do what is
appropriate for this phase of the cycle. Early spring is pivotal in the
annual cycle of creation.

  Ancient celebration traditions provide guidelines for doing our inner work
at this time of year. It is good to take care of the devils inside rather
than project them outward. Pisces is also the sign of the waters and the
ocean of the collective unconscious. What we do consciously as individuals
now can have universal effect. This is a time for collective as well as
individual elimination and rebirth. The old traditions tell how.

  Costumed children parade through the streets ringing bells and cracking
whips in the Swiss celebration CHALANDRA MARZ. Women bang pot lids with
wooden spoons to chase out "the Boog," old man Winter. Whoopity Scoorie, a
time to drive out evil spirits and bless crops, is celebrated in Scotland .
Cherokees drive bad spirits away by tapping around the outside of buildings
with sycamore rods. In general, this begins a time in the annual cycle for
clearing out problem patterns of thought and emotion and dispelling these
through noisemaking celebration.

        *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *

   T o-day
  Through the strength of heaven;
  Light of Sun,
  Radiance of Moon,
  Splendour of fire,
  Speed of Lightning,
  Swiftness of wind,
  Depth of sea,
  Stability of earth,
  Firmness of rock.
  I arise today
  In acceptance of the Three,
  Supported by the One."

        *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *

  From  Steve Nelson -


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