denver & atlanta are reputed to be significant reptilian centers.

Published on Friday, March 22, 2002 in the Los Angeles Times
Denver Police Spied on Activists, ACLU Says
by Julie Cart

DENVER -- The American Civil Liberties Union charged Thursday that Denver
illegally searched a local activist group's office and confiscated
lists to include them in the department's secret files.

The suit, which was amended Thursday in federal court here, is connected to
recent disclosures that an intelligence unit of the Denver police has
files for years on protest groups. The so-called spy files have been kept on
individuals and organizations since 1999 and include information gleaned
public rallies and meetings.

The Police Department admitted it has files on about 3,200 individuals and
organizations. It defends the practice, calling it a necessary aspect of
criminal intelligence.

Group Labeled 'Criminal Extremists'

"The Denver police have no legitimate interest in keeping permanent files on
peaceful protest activities of law-abiding citizens," said Mark Silverstein,
legal director of the Colorado ACLU. Silverstein filed Thursday's amendment
include allegations that his clients' group was included in the files and
labeled "criminal extremists."

The ACLU revealed the existence of the spy files last week. That brought
protests from a broad range of civic groups. This week Denver Mayor
Webb joined with the City Council in issuing a nonbinding resolution that
for a curb on police power to gather information on residents based on
ethnicity, religion or politics.

Webb, who claimed the FBI kept a file on him in the mid-1970s as he became
politically active in Colorado, said the police had overstepped their bounds
maintaining intelligence files on law-abiding groups.

"Have we done an exemplary job at tempering legitimate
versus collecting information on groups or organizations that do not pose a
threat? I think the answer is clearly no," Webb said.

The ACLU's complaint states that on Dec. 14, 2000, officers from the Denver
Golden police departments raided the offices of the Denver Justice and Peace
Committee, an organization that works for social justice in Latin America.

The purpose of the raid, according to police, was to obtain evidence in a
involving vandalism of a department store. Among the items taken from the
offices were membership phone and e-mail lists, phone-tree lists and other
rosters that included the names of 984 people.

The ACLU complaint states that police used the lists to call more than 100
people and question them about the vandalism case. None of those called had
information about the case, the complaint said. Silverstein said the police
selected those they called based on their political activities and

A Denver police spokesman did not return calls for comment.

Quaker Group Was Targeted

To many here, the issue is not just police surveillance of private citizens
also that many appear to be targeted merely for associating with groups or
individuals that have a political agenda.

According to city policy, the Police Department may only collect and
maintain a
file on an individual if there is a "reasonable suspicion" that that person
involved in criminal activity. The same standard applies to religious and
political groups.

Among the organizations that Denver police labeled as "criminal extremists"
the American Friends Service Committee, a nonviolent Quaker organization
has won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Additionally, police kept files on citizens who attended events sponsored by
Amnesty International, and a demonstration organized by Native American and
Latino groups protesting the celebration of Columbus Day.

One group the police has kept tabs on is the Chiapas Coalition, which
the rights of indigenous people in southern Mexico. According to the police
file, the group is "dedicated to the overthrow of the Mexican government."

Kerry Appel, co-founder of the group, called that characterization "flat-out

"I had an idea they were keeping tabs on us," Appel said. "Sometimes the
government surveillance teams and police would outnumber the protesters at
events. You can always see them with their video and still cameras.

"But we didn't have any idea how they describe us and who they share the
information with. I'm shocked and angered to be labeled as a criminal
None of us have any criminal record. I don't think it makes a person an
extremist to be vigorous in the defense of human rights, peace and justice,"
Appel said.

The existence of secret files has shocked civil libertarians and activists,
also have raised the question of which other police or governmental agencies
have access to the files.

Mayor Webb, who had been unaware that the files existed, said an independent
review of them is likely. Webb said the spy files could be audited and
purged on
a regular basis.

Now that the spy files have been made part of the ACLU's suit, it is highly
unlikely they will be destroyed, Silverstein said.

Copyright 2002 Los Angeles Times


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