Thanks, Nancy and Michael.  Seems like we've not experienced them here yet,
then.  We do have our own local mystery, tho' - for the last couple of
months, the cockle fishery in our estuary has been closed because of
Diarrheic Shellfish Poisoning.  Poisoning of shellfish is usually due to a
bloom of micro-algae, but only this estuary (the Burry Inlet/Loughor
Estuary) seems to be affected.  Three other rivers enter Carmarthen Bay and
surely micro-algae would have gone up their estuaries, too: but cockles are
still collected at Ferryside on the Tywi.  There's talk of a mysterious
toxin which no-one seems able (or willing ?) to identify - but then, it
would have to be some outfall into the Loughor because, obviously,
components of a chemtrail would fall over an even wider area.
Tony N-S,

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