Hugh (in particular) - did you ever come across the news that two Japanese astrophysicists had detected the 'music of the spheres' ?   I read it in 'New Scientist' a couple of years ago and have now lost that issue but, in essence, these two were analysing the vibrations of planet Earth.  They gradually eliminated individual frequencies as they assigned sources to each and eventually found that there remained one frequency which apparently had no detectable source.  They concluded that this is the natural frequency of the planet, and that each celestial body has its own characteristic frequency.  This, to me, seems one of the most fundamental validations for astrology - certainly worth quoting at those scoffers who conveniently assume that the only influence such a body could have is by its gravity, and thus 'demolish' astrology by showing that a passing vehicle has a stronger local gravitational effect than the nearest planet. 
    It ties in with an assertion by Dr Percy Seymour, a very brave professional astronomer who supports astrology ('The scientific basis of astrology', Quantum Books, 1997), that a foetus recognises the set of frequencies which define its character and chooses to be born when external frequencies fit this - rather than being defined by whichever set of frequencies happen to be vibrating at the time of its birth.  Makes one wonder what damage is being done by medical intervention in the birth process ?                 Tony N-S.

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